
ドヤ顔のりんご Red apple doing exceptionally well

 1個だけ実を着けさせた「紅の夢」が肥大を続けています。大きい! なぜか蟠桃のように扁平ですが、このあと縦方向に育つのでしょうか。

This is the red-fleshed cooking apple variety called 'Kurenai-no-yume'.  I left one fruit on the tree to grow, since this is the first year of flowering.  I bought the bareroot plant in spring last year and this tree is still very young.  


Although only one fruit, it is very conspicuous, even looked at from the road.  Some passers-by have asked me what it was.  

Since the blackberries have been picked by wild birds every day this year, I think I should put a bag over this precious only fruit.

According to the official page of the University which developed this variety, the fruit should weigh 300g~350g, which means it will be larger than one of its parent varieties called 'Kogyoku'.  Now, Kogyoku is notorious for its short shelf life once harvested, which presents a headache for chefs.  In contrast, this variety can be stored under normal refrigeration for up to 3 months.  

Curiously, the shape resembles that of Bramley - flat shape and uneven surface,
looking like a potato or a rock.
English | 紅の夢 (hirosaki-u.ac.jp)



Granny Smith is slow going but, considering that I only bought the bareroot plant in spring last year, I am not complaining.  I am happy to say, that this apple is getting closer to the size normally sold as green apple in England.  Granny Smith apples are harvested and sold in England while they are still small and very green with a beautiful round shape.  So, I never knew that they could continue to grow to twice as large if left on the tree.  Only recently, some Japanese apple farmers started growing this variety and I became aware of the mature fruits.


素芯オニユリ開花 Spotless Tiger Lily



I placed the pot of tiger lilies in front of my porch, which faces the east.  They get plenty of morning sunlight up to midday.  This is probably why they started to flower so early this year.

These are a rare variety which comes without the usual dark dots on the petal.  Also, the colour of the petal is much darker than that of the common tiger lily.


The flower buds are also very pretty - they even look like candies.


With lots of flower buds waiting to open, I will be enjoying these lovely flowers for several more days.


蟠棗が枯死? Panzao nearly dead


There was a time when I was getting quite optimistic about my Panzao's future.  However, there has been a change.

The new shoot stopped growing after reaching the length of about 5 cm, and then it started to wither.  It is now looking like a vegetable that has been left in the fridge for a week.  I am utterly speechless.  Moreover, the skin on the trunk has become creased vertically.  This is probably because the core of the trunk has gone completely dry and shrivelled which, in turn, caused the wrinkles on the outside.

This is the new plant that arrived a few weeks ago.  What a comfort to have this!  Without this plant, 2024 would have been a miserable jujube year.  So, I am grateful to that shop who sent me this plant.

A young fruit.  I should get some more of this during the summer, since flowers in a hot climate are more likely to result in fruit setting.

朝さんぽ Morning walk 


This is from yesterday's walk, when the rain had stopped.  I had noticed a baby's toy hanging on the fence near my home since several days previously.  It was now placed in a plastic bag - someone had taken the trouble of putting it in the bag so that the toy would not get wet in the heavy rain.

Some raindrops are on the inside but the toy looks clean.  Hopefully, the owner will pass by soon and notice it.

Hibiscus syriacus almost in full bloom.

Some of the flowers are crashed by raindrops but the whole tree looks like a giant bouquet.

Taiga is in a good mood being able to take a long walk after the rain.  She has been on a diet and slimmed down a bit.  Thanks to that, her eyes look a lot keener and livelier than before.

After the lipoma removal operation on 22nd May, the hair on her chest is regrowing.  Also, there was a bag of fluid where the lipoma used to be but that has now been reabsorbed into her body.


公園で At the park


The weather has turned so warm that it is painful to go outside.  This morning, we went out early so as to enjoy the cool air while it lasted.



Taiga is steadily recovering from the operation.  Just after removing the lipoma, she had a small balloon filled with fluid.  I had it cleared when we went back for stitches removal, but the fluid came back right after.  However, it has been all absorbed into her system now.  One thing that bothers me is that the blood test result showed that her cholesterol was a little high.  12 months ago, all the items were within the normal range, so I cannot ignore the latest result.  I am going to improve her topping - no more fatty meat.

In May last year, she weighed 25 kg.  This year, just before removing the lipoma, she weighed 22.75 kg, and at the time of removing the stitches, 22.60 kg.  I am hoping to bring it down to 20 kg eventually.  Although she has lost only a small amount, I feel that she already looks younger and fitter.


Since it was early in the morning and the cool air was pleasant, we went to the other side of the park, where we saw a lot of hydrangea trees.

It was refreshing to walk through the path.

I noticed a tree with red flowers right next to other trees with blue flowers.  Hydrangeas are supposed to be sensitive to the acidity of the soil.

Old-fashioned but pretty flowers.


ケイパーの花 Caper flowers


The caper flowers have started to open.  Its scent is complicated, with obvious honey and a slightly spicy smell.  The weather currently is cool enough for the flowers to last a whole day.  However, during July and August, flowers start to open in the evening and last until the daybreak after which they become brown.

株の管理のしかたが分からずに放置していましたが、今度の冬には刈り込む予定です。去年は茎が数本にまで増えたのですが、枝の分岐なしに60 cmほどに徒長して支柱が必要になりました。今年の春、各枝をバルコニーのトレリスに通して支柱の変わりにしました。これで茎が横倒しの状態になると、新たな枝が葉っぱの付け根から垂直に伸び出してきました。とにかく枝数を増やしたいので、トレリスの向こう側に垂れている部分を秋に切り戻す予定です。
In the photo below, the two flowers on the left are from yesterday after flowering all day, and they were already brown early this morning.  The two white flowers on the right were starting to move last night and they were fully open this morning and lasted until late afternoon.
The stems grew last year to about 60 cm and they were not self-supportive.  This year, the stems are hanging through the trellis on the balcony, lying almost horizontally.  In this state, lots of new branches have come out of the base of leaves.  I want the plant to become bushy, so I am going to cut back the part of the stem hanging out of the trellis.
I love the pickled caper flower buds imported in jars from the Mediterranean region.  Also, I am interested in pickled young caper fruits, and I have already found videos on Youtube showing how to prepare them.


午後散歩 Afternoon walk


As we were walking in the neighbourhood, I saw a hydrangea flower resting on a clay object.  The owner of this house must be fond of this plant.

We were passing the house where a Golden Retriever and a Chihuahua live.  The Chihuahua is always quick to sense Taiga's footsteps and starts barking.

When the Chihuahua starts barking, the Golden Retriever quickly joins in as if it were a competition.

They were getting too noisy and their mom ordered them to get inside.


When we arrived at the park, we met a new face - a 1 year and 3 months old Papillon girl named 'Sakura', who was very friendly towards Taiga.

We went along the river and met old friends: Albas, a male Labradoodle and his younger sister, Epka.

Albas (on the right) is a few years younger than Taiga and we have known him since he started coming to the park as a puppy.  They belonged to a pack of friendly dogs who played together every evening in a field that used to be available (it is now under construction to build an underground water reservoir).
Epka is a few years younger than Albas and never had the chance to play with Taiga.  However, she is always as friendly towards Taiga as her brother is.

There came Taiga's old friends.  Jam, the Bernese, is 6 months younger than Taiga, while Louis, the Tervuren, is one year younger than Taiga.  Taiga is now 11 years old and we have lots of happy memories with these friends.  I am so grateful for the life I have had with Taiga and her friends.

I left bread dough for final proofing when we went out for a walk.  In this warm climate, I let the dough rise in room temperature.  My body tends to become short of zinc, and I try to get it through walnuts.  Also, raisins taste better when mixed in bread.  So, I often make bread with walnuts, raisins and 3 eggs with 700 g flour, and make 2 loaves of bread.

ミーアキャット Meerkat


As we were coming out of the woodland near the Johoku Central Park, I saw a spectacle that took me a few seconds to believe it was true.  A meerkat on the street of Tokyo.

No signs whatever of getting alert when faced with Taiga.

This is the creature I enjoy watching in nature programs on 'Animal Planet' and 'National Geographic' channels on TV.  In particular, there is one group of meerkats studied by British scientists for decades.  The meerkats have become so used to these observers that they pay absolutely no attention to them even when they film them close up.  
Today, I am so close to a meerkat and I cannot believe my luck.  He even clings onto my leg.  According to the owner, this is a 4-year old male, named 'Chacha-maru'.  He is very cuddly and likes getting inside his dad's clothes.


こうやって脚にしがみついてくる! いつもはタイガの20kg超えに慣れているので、この子はフェザーのように軽い。
He clings onto my leg!  Being used to Taiga's weight of over 20 kg, Chacha-maru is  as light as a feather.

Unlike dogs, Chacha-maru never avoids the camera.  Rather, he looks into it with an audacious face.

"See, how cute I am!"  With the whites of his eyes, his gaze is quite strong.

He got me completely wrapped around his tiny finger.