
朝さんぽ Morning walk 


This is from yesterday's walk, when the rain had stopped.  I had noticed a baby's toy hanging on the fence near my home since several days previously.  It was now placed in a plastic bag - someone had taken the trouble of putting it in the bag so that the toy would not get wet in the heavy rain.

Some raindrops are on the inside but the toy looks clean.  Hopefully, the owner will pass by soon and notice it.

Hibiscus syriacus almost in full bloom.

Some of the flowers are crashed by raindrops but the whole tree looks like a giant bouquet.

Taiga is in a good mood being able to take a long walk after the rain.  She has been on a diet and slimmed down a bit.  Thanks to that, her eyes look a lot keener and livelier than before.

After the lipoma removal operation on 22nd May, the hair on her chest is regrowing.  Also, there was a bag of fluid where the lipoma used to be but that has now been reabsorbed into her body.