
ドヤ顔のりんご Red apple doing exceptionally well

 1個だけ実を着けさせた「紅の夢」が肥大を続けています。大きい! なぜか蟠桃のように扁平ですが、このあと縦方向に育つのでしょうか。

This is the red-fleshed cooking apple variety called 'Kurenai-no-yume'.  I left one fruit on the tree to grow, since this is the first year of flowering.  I bought the bareroot plant in spring last year and this tree is still very young.  


Although only one fruit, it is very conspicuous, even looked at from the road.  Some passers-by have asked me what it was.  

Since the blackberries have been picked by wild birds every day this year, I think I should put a bag over this precious only fruit.

According to the official page of the University which developed this variety, the fruit should weigh 300g~350g, which means it will be larger than one of its parent varieties called 'Kogyoku'.  Now, Kogyoku is notorious for its short shelf life once harvested, which presents a headache for chefs.  In contrast, this variety can be stored under normal refrigeration for up to 3 months.  

Curiously, the shape resembles that of Bramley - flat shape and uneven surface,
looking like a potato or a rock.
English | 紅の夢 (hirosaki-u.ac.jp)



Granny Smith is slow going but, considering that I only bought the bareroot plant in spring last year, I am not complaining.  I am happy to say, that this apple is getting closer to the size normally sold as green apple in England.  Granny Smith apples are harvested and sold in England while they are still small and very green with a beautiful round shape.  So, I never knew that they could continue to grow to twice as large if left on the tree.  Only recently, some Japanese apple farmers started growing this variety and I became aware of the mature fruits.