
午後散歩 Afternoon walk


As we were walking in the neighbourhood, I saw a hydrangea flower resting on a clay object.  The owner of this house must be fond of this plant.

We were passing the house where a Golden Retriever and a Chihuahua live.  The Chihuahua is always quick to sense Taiga's footsteps and starts barking.

When the Chihuahua starts barking, the Golden Retriever quickly joins in as if it were a competition.

They were getting too noisy and their mom ordered them to get inside.


When we arrived at the park, we met a new face - a 1 year and 3 months old Papillon girl named 'Sakura', who was very friendly towards Taiga.

We went along the river and met old friends: Albas, a male Labradoodle and his younger sister, Epka.

Albas (on the right) is a few years younger than Taiga and we have known him since he started coming to the park as a puppy.  They belonged to a pack of friendly dogs who played together every evening in a field that used to be available (it is now under construction to build an underground water reservoir).
Epka is a few years younger than Albas and never had the chance to play with Taiga.  However, she is always as friendly towards Taiga as her brother is.

There came Taiga's old friends.  Jam, the Bernese, is 6 months younger than Taiga, while Louis, the Tervuren, is one year younger than Taiga.  Taiga is now 11 years old and we have lots of happy memories with these friends.  I am so grateful for the life I have had with Taiga and her friends.

I left bread dough for final proofing when we went out for a walk.  In this warm climate, I let the dough rise in room temperature.  My body tends to become short of zinc, and I try to get it through walnuts.  Also, raisins taste better when mixed in bread.  So, I often make bread with walnuts, raisins and 3 eggs with 700 g flour, and make 2 loaves of bread.