ラベル レモン、ライム、ベルガモット (Lemon etc) の投稿を表示しています。 すべての投稿を表示
ラベル レモン、ライム、ベルガモット (Lemon etc) の投稿を表示しています。 すべての投稿を表示


レモン等 Lemon etc


On the upstairs balcony, Lisbon lemon (left) and Hoshi Tangor (right) each has two fruits growing.  For Hoshi Tangor, the balcony gets too hot during summer and leaves turn almost yellow.  So, the plant was kept inside the glass doors until late October.  This plant has never been re-potted since I got it many years ago, and the roots are probably in a weakened state.  Luckly, I successfully grafted a scion onto the Caracara orange tree growing in the ground during summer this year.  It took me several times to get it right, since this plant had hardly any round branches - this is probably due to the plant being unhealthy.


Lisbon lemon had countless young fruits in spring, but in the end only two of them survived.  I was so worried that too many young fruits might weaken the plant, so I picked many of them.  After all, the plant knew how many fruits it could support.  So, I am going to do nothing from next year.  Still, having only two fruits means that they are huge.

Hoshi Tangor's fruits are about the same size as those of the Lisbon lemon.  However, the harvesting time is April of the following year, and the fruits continue to grow slowly during the winter months.  This variety has a very delicate and beautiful taste.  I cannot understand why it is not distributed in shops.

The Emperor jujube has lost all the leaves and non-permanent branches.  Without them, it is easy to see that this tree is thornless.  Since there is little information on the internet, I do not know whether this variety is thornless, or if it is just this particular tree.  Whichever is the case, it is easier to look after the plant without thorns.

Taiga resting while waiting for lunch after the morning walk.  I know that she would rather sit outside looking at passersby but, given the freezing weather of the last few days, I hesitate to keep her outside, just in case strangers think I am not taking care of her properly.


香酸類 Finger lime etc


I have been growing this Rick's Red finger lime for several years now.  This summer, I saw a fruit on the plant for the first time.  The skin has turned purplish red which made me think that it is probably ripe.

I consume the limequat one or two a day to drink it like lemon squash.  I hear that you need to take in a tiny bit of Vitamin C every day since your body cannot produce it.  However, any surplus intake will be passed out.  So, these small fruits are quite handy.

Taiga hates the smell of citrus fruits.  She took a sniff and turned her head away.

From left, Rick's Red, Mia rose, white seedling, and limequat.  I wanted to compare Rick's Red with the other two varieties.

As the limequat plant matured, it started to produce larger fruits than before.  Here in the photo, the fruit is above 4 cm long.

As above, from left to right, Rick's Red, Mia Rose, and white seedling.  It seems that Rick's Red was not ripe yet, but what disappointed me was the fact the flesh looks similar to that of tangerine.  In contrast, the flesh of Mia Rose and white seedling looks beautiful like round pebbles.  Going forward, I think it is enough to have Durham's Emerald, Mia Rose, white seedling, and New Yellow (assuming that New Yellow's flesh is indeed yellow - I picked the fruits too early and could not confirm the potential colour).

Due to the unique flavour and taste, I feel finger lime's usage is somewhat limited.  Today, I tried it with pickled white radish.  To prepare the radish, slice it into paper thin sheets, leave in cold water in order to remove the starch, strain the water and rub salt into the radish slices, strain, and mix with sweet and sour dressing made with rice vinegar, starch syrup and salt.  It turned out that finger lime was a good addition to the radish, giving it a fresh flavour.  


フィンガーライムなど Finger lime etc

 午後に卵入りの甘いパンを焼きました。涼しい気候になった今、就寝直前に材料を混ぜてひと晩 台所の室温で寝かせる製法に切り替えました。朝、生地は練らずに引っ張って張力を出すやり方です。卵が入っているので良く膨らみました。表面についている粒々はキビで、噛み潰すとほんのり香ばしい。

I baked sweet egg buns in the afternoon.  In this cool weather, I mix the ingredients just before I go to bed, for the first proofing.  In the morning, the dough is well risen and I only have to stretch it twice with a few hours' interval.  For the garnish, I sprinkled roasted millet which gives off a nice flavour when I crunch it.

While waiting for the bread to cool, I went to the nearby JA to see the plants.  It is already the season for camellia sasanquas.

The plant has lots of flower buds, promising a long flowering season.  Unfortunately, there is hardly any space left in my place, even for a pot of sasanqua.

To grow the tree to the current state, it must have taken several years even from a cutting.  Yet, the price is so low, and it makes me sad.  The shop assistant told me that vegetable prices have gone up since we have to eat, but prices of flowering trees remain the same since they are not edible.

I looked into the corner for Tatarian asters - so many new varieties.

This was the only variety they had of Japanese wild asters.  Judging from the colour of the petals (purple with a red tinge), short petals, and disproportionately large centre, I think it is a variety called 'Aizora'.

My purple Japanese wild aster is starting to flower just now.

The remaining two fruits on the 'Purple Bliss' finger lime used to be jet black on the outside, but now they are turning into light brown.

They look rather similar to the fruit in the picture.  Although I don't know how accurate the colour in the picture is, does this mean that the fruits are at last ripe?

I picked both of the remaining Purple Bliss.  I also picked two from the Mia Rose plant, for comparison.  They are both as hard as rocks.

When I cut them into half, Purple Bliss was far from being ripe.  As to Mia Rose, the colour has deepened since last time - it is almost red, rather than pink.

The Purple Bliss was full of seeds, apart from the fact that the flesh is too pale.  With Mia Rose, the colour of the flesh was deep and beautiful, and there were hardly any seeds.

Forgetting Purple Bliss, I placed Mia Rose on my home-made yogurt (desperately trying to find ways to use).  However, I couldn't muster courage to eat it as it was, so

I added some honey to make it more enticing.  When I ate it, the finger lime flesh added fresh citrus taste, and it was actually not bad.  However, to be honest, I wouldn't have missed its presence.


フィンガーライム Finger Lime


After the flowers in the spring, the Durham's Emerald plant produced one fruit.  However, I forgot about it and when I came round to look at it in the summer, the fruit had fallen off and gone rotten.  I thought that was all this year's activity for this plant and thought no more of it.  Today, I decided to prune the tree to a compact shape, when I noticed that the plant had two new fruits.

I picked both of them.  The skin was not all black and I may have picked them a little too early.

In the kitchen, I cut them into halves.  The flesh oozed out and its colour was green enough.  The larger one had a few seeds in the centre, but that was all.  No seeds in the smaller one.

You can see the colour more clearly against the backdrop of a white dish.  It is nice to know that this variety is almost seedless.  As to the flavour, it has a distinct taste compared to the white variety which is my best favourite.


フィンガーライム Finger Limes


The Mia Rose plant on the balcony has many more fruits growing, after the sampling I did a few months ago.  I bought this plant several years ago, and this is the first year of fruiting.  The sizes of the fruits are very similar to those I picked previously.

When I squeeze the fruit between my fingers, it is rock hard and I am not sure how ripe it is.  I took a sample, anyway.

On the white seedling tree, there are also several fruits growing.  The word 'seedling' makes it sound cheap but this tree produces the best tasting fruits among my finger limes.  And, it is a steady producer, too.

This is Rick's Red.  Among the finger limes I bought several years ago, this one has never produced any fruits - not even after this year's profuse flowering season.  Since space in my tiny garden is very precious, I put this plant at the side of my house and forgot about it during the summer.  When I came to look at it recently, the whole plant looked bone dry.  Ah, everything seemed hopeless with this plant.  So I moved it to the front of the house a few weeks ago in order to recycle the soil, waiting for the weather to turn cooler for the task.  Then, came the series of typhoons over the last few weeks, which brought heavy rains.  Amazingly, the plant recovered like nothing had happened.

よーく見たら、実が一個ついている! 真夏の乾燥で生命の危機を感じて、必死に1個の実を着けたようです。
On closer inspection, I spotted a fruit!  The plant must have realised that it was on the verge of dying and managed to produce a fruit for the sake of species preservation.

It is tiny, but this being the only red-flesh variety I have, I am happy.

Back to the Mia Rose fruit.  When I cut it in half, the flesh did not ooze out on its own, so perhaps it was not ripe yet.

As to the colour of the flesh, it looks pinkish but not impressive.  The recommendation I once saw on the internet "Mia Rose is an improvement of Ice Pink and it produces deeper pink flesh reliably" cannot be justified so far.


リスボンレモン Lisbon Lemon


I have two Lisbon lemon trees.  One of them, growing in a pot, is on the upstairs balcony.  After the flowering season this year, the plant had countless young fruits and I thinned them twice.  As months went by, more and more young fruits fell off the tree and I ended up with just these two fruits.  It seems that I did not need to intervene - the tree knows what it can hold.

These are the two remaining fruits, and they are larger than those I see in the shop.  I am looking forward to making a lemon cake in a few months when the fruits mature fully.

Another one grows in the ground.  I used to keep Bergamot in this spot but it got weaker and weaker.  When I dug it out of the ground, I found that the root system was almost rotten.  So, I replaced a chunk of soil in this place and planted the Lisbon lemon instead.  Both of my Lisbon lemon trees are thorn-free, which makes it easy to look after them.

The spider lilies growing in front of my house are in bloom.

Unfortunately, my camera cannot do justice to their brilliant colour - it is a deep vermillion colour.