ラベル ナツメ (Jujube) の投稿を表示しています。 すべての投稿を表示
ラベル ナツメ (Jujube) の投稿を表示しています。 すべての投稿を表示


棗の始動 Jujube waking up


Of the 3 jujube bareroot trees that arrived on December 11th last year, Early Crisp King has started to show signs of life.  The buds are still tiny, and I have to strain my eyes to see them.  Nevertheless, I can see the unique budding of jujube trees, where several sharp heads come out of one node.

I trimmed the plants at about 40 cm above the grafting point - in Japan, 40 cm is considered optimal for strong growth in the initial year.  I have been keeping these indoors so that they would have an easy start.  In the picture below, from left to right, Early Crisp King, Golden Silk Jujube, and Panzao.  When I trimmed the plants, the cut section was green and fresh looking with Early Crisp King and Golden Silk.  However, with Panzao, the core was brown and hollow, which worried me a lot.  Also, the surface of the first two varieties is greenish and, in the direct sunlight, the skin looks shiny.  Not so with Panzao.  Its surface is dark reddish brown with thin film of grey skin running vertically.  I do not know whether this is unique to this variety or not.  I will have to wait until spring-early summer before coming to any conclusion.


I baked hard-type bread this evening.  The ingredients are the same as for French bread, i.e., flour, dry yeast, salt and water.

However, I added a lot more water than for baguette and the result was similar to ciabatta.


棗の植え替え Repotting Jujube



I bought a large Japanese jujube plant in August last year, which I kept on the upstairs balcony.  Since I need some space for other things, I wanted to bring it down to the garden.  So, I pruned the tree first in order to make it smaller and easier to carry.  Also, the pot was too large and too heavy, and I had to get rid of the soil as much as possible and bring the tree in the empty pot to downstairs.

When the tree arrived last year, it was the middle of summer, so I planted it just by adding soil to fill the pot, without disturbing the roots.  Today, I washed the roots thoroughly, leaving no soil among the roots.  I am glad I did it because the roots were holding a mass of clay soil - I never use clay in my gardening. 


The roots had one branch facing sideway, which had been cut off sometime in the past.  I myself cut it short at the red line for a reason.  When I took out 3 suckers in autumn last year, one of them was growing out of this root and it was almost impossible to get the sucker out safely.  In the end, the sucker came off with almost no roots.  Fortunately, it did not die, and it is surviving the winter in a pot.

As to the separated bit of root, I planted it in a pot just like a cutting from a tree branch.  It would be an interesting experiment to see if the root will start growing a green shoot.

I replanted the tree using the same old pot, but with entirely new soil.  By this time, it was after 4:30 p.m. and getting dark, so the photo is blurred.

In order to prevent the roots spreading all over the place, I placed cement blocks between the pot and the ground.

It was another warm day today.  While I was working, Taiga was fast asleep like a cat.
Hopefully, it will get warmer so that Taiga can spend more time outside.


接ぎ木など Grafting etc


After planting the jujube trees in pots yesterday, I heard the weather forecast saying that this coming weekend would be even colder than so far.  It is already freezing now.  So, I covered the plants in plastic bags to be safe.  I am not taking any chances after so many disappointments with rotten jujube plants sent to me.

接いだのは「紅の夢」に。グラニースミスには開花時期がほぼ同じの紅玉が接いであります。今年の初開花では紅の夢はその2品種に遅れて咲きましたが、アルプス乙女となら開花が合っていました。ただし、木が充実して将来 花数が増えれば、開花時期の重なりが期待できます。
My neighbour gave me a branch from her crab apple tree.  It is a Japanese variety called Alps Otome, and its pollen is said to be compatible with any commercial cultivars.  Indeed, my red-flesh apple tree produced a fruit from the pollen of that variety this year. 
I was thinking of getting a scion during Jan-Feb next year but, since it was here, I decided to graft it right away.  In the past, I have tried the methods of preserving scions in the fridge or buried deep in the ground but, by the time I came to use them, they had lost their vitality.

I grafted the scion on one of the two branches growing close to each other.  I was going to prune one of them during this winter but, if the graft goes well, I can afford to get rid of the other branch in summer next year.

Since the apple tree is still young and does not have many branches, I can spare only one branch for grafting.  However, the scion given to me was long and I had some left, so I grafted the leftover onto a plum tree as an experiment.  Both apple trees and plum trees belong to the rose family, and I am curious to see if the graft will be viable.

The Hoshi Tangor scion that I grafted onto Caracara orange in summer this year has been growing well.  The leaves of this scion look a lot healthier than those of the potted parent tree, so I am pleased with the result.

As I was moving about looking at plants, Taiga followed me in silence like a shadow.  I know that she does this to catch my attention, but she does not even look me in the eye.  Those dogs I see on YouTube are a lot more forthcoming, be they Japanese or Western breeds, but Taiga is utterly restrained.


ナツメ新苗 New Jujube Plants


The jujube plants that I had ordered during summer arrived today.  This time, in addition to the two varieties I have always wanted to grow, I ordered another variety called Seedless Golden Thread jujube.  Re the two varieties, the plants sent to me were always in a diabolical state - they were either dead or absolutely rootless.

This time, the plants seem reasonably clean with no pockmarks made by insects, etc.  They look like they were grown by a different nursery.

Early Crisp King jujube: fresh eating variety

Pan jujube (Panzao): fresh eating variety

Seedless Golden Thread jujube: both for fresh eating and drying

After removing the bag and soil, I washed the roots in a bucket of water.

左から、蟠棗、七月早脆王、無核大金糸です。左端の蟠棗は、土を徹底的に洗い落とされる輸入苗にしては満足な根っこだと思います。真ん中の七月早脆王の根は申し分ない量。右端の無核大金糸の根は、  まあ、これで頑張ってみます。写真写りは悪いけど、短いヒゲみたいなのがついているので。 今度こそ、苗に育って欲しいです。
From left to right, Panzao, Early Crisp King, and Seedless Golden Thread.  Considering that these roots were thoroughly washed before being allowed into Japan, the roots of Panzao look reasonable.  As to the one in the middle, I am more than happy.  Regarding the one on the right, I will have to make do with this.  In the photo, it looks worse, but it does have some short roots.

I slightly trimmed the long roots of Early Crisp King, in order to fit them into the deep pot (extreme left).  The other two varieties were planted in pots with less depth, to ensure good drainage.  They are all 30 cm diameter pots.


日本ナツメなど Jujube etc


I bought a large Japanese jujube plant in August this year.  Subsequently, 3 suckers came out and grew fast to over 60cm.  Today, I separated them from the main tree and planted them in individual pots.  It was hard work to cut them off from the parent's root system.  I used a saw and a trowel, and even then, each sucker came out with a pitiful amount of root.  Hopefully, they will recover from the shock and start growing new roots during the winter.  It was reassuring to see the leaves looking perky after being re-potted.

This is the parent tree.  Without the suckers, the tree looks neat.

I will be pruning the small branches during the winter, since the tree has grown lanky.

クリスマスローズの古い葉っぱを先月 取り除いたあと、来年用の葉っぱが元気に伸びてきました。この苗は今年の3月にネットショップで買ったゴールド苗です(偶然、上の日本ナツメの苗もここで買いました)。元々りっぱな苗でしたが夏の間に根っこが育ったらしく、今は2倍以上の株になっています。
I removed the old leaves of the Christmas roses last month.  Since then, new leaves have been coming out quite vigorously.  This plant was bought in March this year (in fact, from the same shop where I got the Japanese jujube tree shown above).  This plant was already well grown at that time, but during the summer months, the root system must have expanded.  As a result, the whole plant has more than doubled.

This is the flower.  The picture was taken and uploaded by the shop at the end of January this year.

This is how the plant looked when it was delivered to me in late March this year.  The flowers had finished some time previously, but they still retained some of the beautiful colour, which was unusual for Christmas roses.

This is a seedling that came out of the ground several years ago.  A few years previous to that, I had bought a lot of golden Christmas roses which did not last a year before perishing.  So, I assume that this plant is their legacy.

This was the flower in early spring this year.  It shows the characteristics of the initial gold Christmas roses that were developed by a nursery in Saitama Prefecture.  It caused such a sensation that many other people bred them with Helleborus orientalis, and the so-called 'golden Christmas roses' available nowadays are watered-down versions.  Specifically, the flower is not facing forward but instead drooping, and the flower stem is long instead of about 10cm tall.  The plant I bought in March this year belongs to the watered-down generation.

This is a seedling I found this autumn.  It was growing near the red flower variety that I also have, but not quite keen on.

This chrysanthemum that I bought in autumn last year is meant to have only one huge flower, but I just cannot manage it.  I give it up.

Taiga was so bored that she insisted on coming out even though we still have mosquitoes due to the unusually warm weather.


日本ナツメ Another Jujube tree


The fruits of the Japanese jujube tree is ripening.  There are several types of common Japanese jujube trees.  The tree I bought several years ago was very thorny and the shapes of leaves and fruits were quite different from those of this tree which I bought in August this year.  The commonality is that the fruits are small.  This new tree is thorn free which makes it easy to look after this plant.  

The fruits in this photo are from the flowers that came after the plant was delivered to me.  Due to the short time in which they had to grow, it seems that this is all they can do for this year.  I have been tasting these tiny ones for the purpose of thinning, but they tasted so juicy and beautiful with definite sourness.  To me, juiciness and sourness in jujubes are rare and precious factors.

These 4 fruits are from the flowers in bloom at the time of plant delivery.  At this stage, the fruits are ripe.

I wanted to see if getting brown had correlation with sweetness.  I started measuring the sugar content with the one on the extreme right.





They all show incredibly high sugar content (assuming that my gadget is working all right).  Interestingly, the degree of colouring seems irrelevant to the sugar content.  While I was eating the young fruits, they tasted sweet but I kept thinking that it was due to the relatively strong acidity that enhanced the sweetness.  I now know that this common jujube variety can produce very tasty fruits.