
公園で At the park


The weather has turned so warm that it is painful to go outside.  This morning, we went out early so as to enjoy the cool air while it lasted.



Taiga is steadily recovering from the operation.  Just after removing the lipoma, she had a small balloon filled with fluid.  I had it cleared when we went back for stitches removal, but the fluid came back right after.  However, it has been all absorbed into her system now.  One thing that bothers me is that the blood test result showed that her cholesterol was a little high.  12 months ago, all the items were within the normal range, so I cannot ignore the latest result.  I am going to improve her topping - no more fatty meat.

In May last year, she weighed 25 kg.  This year, just before removing the lipoma, she weighed 22.75 kg, and at the time of removing the stitches, 22.60 kg.  I am hoping to bring it down to 20 kg eventually.  Although she has lost only a small amount, I feel that she already looks younger and fitter.


Since it was early in the morning and the cool air was pleasant, we went to the other side of the park, where we saw a lot of hydrangea trees.

It was refreshing to walk through the path.

I noticed a tree with red flowers right next to other trees with blue flowers.  Hydrangeas are supposed to be sensitive to the acidity of the soil.

Old-fashioned but pretty flowers.