ラベル トロピカル (Tropical Plants) の投稿を表示しています。 すべての投稿を表示
ラベル トロピカル (Tropical Plants) の投稿を表示しています。 すべての投稿を表示


パッションフルーツ? Passion fruits?


This is the vine of snake gourd growing around a ginkgo tree.  With all the leaves gone, the fruits are looking prominent.


The snake gourd is said to have herbal medicinal uses but, in this day and age, no-one thinks of it as a useful plant. 

Trichosanthes cucumeroides

These are some of the passion fruits that I collected when I cut down the vine in November last year.  The plant served as a 'green curtain' on the balcony during the summer months, next to my bedroom.  These fruits ripen off the tree and I am consuming them as and when they become brown on the outside.  After coming home, I enjoyed some.

Sugar content 29.8% - very sweet.  The centre of the fruit is the sweetest.

This is how they were on 14th November 2023.


朝散歩 Morning walk


The cassia blossoms in season in a neighbour's garden.  There are many varieties of cassia in the world, but this one is my favourite.  This variety produces abundant flowers in spring and autumn.

Taiga wanted to walk in the opposite direction to the usual Johoku Park.  We stopped momentarily to pay respect to the Jizo (religious stone statute commonly seen in Japan) - the tiny figure with a red cap behind the flowers.  There are flower offerings all year around.

My favourite, old-fashioned chrysanthemum with a strong scent.

I think we have walked far enough - we stopped at a bridge to enjoy the air and blue sky.

On the left of the river are cherry trees, and on the right are ginkgo trees.  So, we can enjoy the view in spring and autumn.

As we were having a nice rest, a black Shiba Inu passed by, barking at Taiga unprovoked.

We enjoyed the crisp walk in peace on our way back home.




I took in the passion fruit plant for the coming winter, by cutting it down to about 40cm above the roots.  Unexpectedly, there were a lot of fruits large enough to be ripened off the tree.  After the summer harvest, the plant had new flowers in September and I pollinated only 10 of them, since there was not enough time left for the fruits to grow.  However, seeing all these fruits, I can only conclude that the Edulils variety can self-pollinate under a certain circumstance.

When it flowers in the summer, it opens completely in a matter of one hour under the strong sun and, by the time the pistil and stamen become mature enough, their shapes have undergone a transformation and they are placed too far from each other.  In the case of autumn flowers, it takes almost a day to open and the pistil and stamen become mature enough inside the half-open flower, which is conducive to self-pollination.


今日のパッションフルーツ Passion fruits



The weather is really getting cooler - today's expected maximum temperature is 19℃.  By the end of this month, I will be cutting the vines down to about 40cm so that I can take the plants indoors for the coming  winter.  

I have never known this Edulis variety to self-pollinate.  However, some of the flowers that opened in October now have fruits growing.  Due to the height, I cannot reach these young fruits even though they are just wasting energy of the vine.

These are fruits that set from September blooming.  The creature that came nightly during the summer to drop the fruits have not returned, so the fruits are growing very nicely.  The plants have served as a shield against rain and direct sun light during the summer but, now, I would love to take in sun's warmth into my bedroom.

This is the sight I see every morning when I open the curtains.
The fruit's size is as large as those in the shops.  It is no wonder that this variety is most dominant in Japan, given the ease in growing and the incredible taste of the fruits.


パッションフルーツ Passion fruits


The passion fruit flowers that bloomed in September have produced beautiful young fruits.  In all, I pollinated about 10 flowers.  I will be cutting the vine back to about 1 metre in November in order to keep the plant indoors during winter.  I shall see how close to ripening these fruits will grow by then.

The fruits are about L-sized chicken eggs now.

The vines provided me during the summer with perfect shade from rains and sunshine.

So far, having 5 walks everyday seems to be working well for Taiga.  From this, it seems that it is not the case of pure incontinence but a case of frequent need to urinate.  Apart from the long walks in early morning and evening, we come to this empty plot nearby which is used as a carpark.

When we came back, we met the male Toy Poodle of a neighbour.  He is 15 years old and also goes out for walks quite frequently.  However, being a smaller breed, he does not look as aged as Taiga.


パッションフルーツ被害 Passion Fruits

 昨夜(金曜夜)、台風の雨のなか、ドスンドスンと何かがバルコニーの床に落ちる音がしたので、そうっとガラス戸を開けてみたらハクビシンらしき動物がパッションフルーツの棚から降りて、バルコニーの手すりの上を急いで逃げて行きました。なっ、なっ! と思いましたが、さすがに雨のバルコニーへ出る気にもなれず布団へ戻りました。


We had typhoon #12 yesterday (Friday) which brought a heavy rain.  In spite of the weather, I kept hearing strange noises in the middle of the night, so I opened the door and saw a creature (Paguma larvata) scurrying away.  I could not believe my eyes but I was not ready to go into the rain to investigate, so I went back to bed.  In the morning, I found these 9 fruits on the balcony floor - still small and green.

I cut the greenest one to see if it was edible.  It was!  So, I may not have to throw them away.

The plant was created from a cutting during last summer.  It has grown well but not many fruits.  I am going to keep the plant by cutting back when it gets cold, so that it will be mature and ready to grow many fruits next summer.  At least, the plant has served me well by providing a deep shade on sunny days, while preventing the rain from coming into the bedroom (on the right) through the screen door on rainy days.

This is the ceiling.


パッションフルーツ開花 Passion Fruit Flower

The first flower of my passion fruit plant opened yesterday, 5th of May.  I pollinated it in the morning and, by the evening, the ovary of the flower had grown a little.



オリーブとパッションフルーツ Olives and Passion Fruit plants


I bought these olive plants in autumn last year.  They were cuttings, planted in the same small pot.  They spent the winter on the balcony, where they are now.  In spite of the size of the trees, they have lots of flower buds already.

This is Picual, a self-fertile variety that I had wanted for some time before I accidentally saw this last year.


"Edulis", the most common passion fruit variety in Japan.  I made a cutting last year and it spent the winter indoors.  Its original, parent plant performed very well last year, giving me two harvests before dying in February this year on the balcony.


冬の寒さ Cold as winter


It has been raining for the last few days and it was particularly cold today, with the maximum temperature at 14℃.  Even worse, the max. temp. for tomorrow is forecast at 13℃.  So, I changed the floor covering of Taiga's cage to a winter blanket (Taiga looking like out of a hostage photo).

A palm civet has returned.  It runs about over my roof at night and drops the young fruits from my passion fruit vine.  Last night, it seems 2 fruits were dropped.  The palm civet is not indigenous to Japan - the creature must have been someone's pet before.

The creacutre must have continued nibbling at the fruit on the floor, since there are pieces of the green skin near the fruit.

Another bruised fruit on the vine.


シャンプー後の散歩 A walk after shampoo


It was a sultry afternoon today and going out for a walk was the last thing I wanted to do.  However, Taiga's smell was getting rather strong, so I gave her a shampoo, after which we went out to the park.  The grass was growing so vigorously that the benches were almost buried.

It being one of Taiga's treat spot, she got up onto the bench with an hopeful smile.

She waits patiently with a happy smile, as I fumble through my bag.

In the field across the street, they were cutting the grass - at last!  However, they are doing this, not for the benefit of park users, but because they have the annual fire drill soon which is a big event.  Nevertheless, this is good news for us dog owners.


I made two new passion fruit plants from cuttings for next year.  The plant on the balcony with fruits will come to the end of its service before winter, and these two plants will be spending the winter indoors.

A new thornless Lisbon lemon that I bought recently.  I already have another, which I got several years ago, but lemons are such useful fruits and I cannot have enough.

This is one of the seedlings from the Key lime fruits that I consumed in autumn last year.  When the plant grows large enough to produce viable scions, I am going to graft them onto the Bergamot plant so as to quicken the time for fruiting.