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菊など Chrysanthemums etc


The typhoon No. 25 has dissipated into a tropical depression somewhere near Taiwan.  As a result, the weather in Tokyo has started to improve, but it was rather humid all day today.

帰り道の途中、古い家を取り壊した後 再開発中の場所を通りかかったら、この溝が目にとまりました。小学校の地理の教科書に出て来た「関東ローム層」の赤い粘土質の土です。
On our way home, we passed by a construction site where a large old house used to stand.  When I saw this ditch, it reminded me of the geography textbook at elementary school which told us of the loamy earth beneath the Kanto region.  I was living on the other side of the island then, where the soil was dark and rich, suitable for agriculture.

表土は黒くても、25cmほど掘ると後はこの粘土です。園芸で使う赤玉土もこれで作られているそうですが、あれは加工した後のものであって、自分の庭でこの土のまま果樹を育てようとすると根っこが窒息してしまいます。なので、うちの駐車スペースのコンクリを剥がして園芸用にしたとき、半年以上 生ごみや落ち葉を漉き込んで耕し続けました。城北公園の管理室で許可をとって、公園の厚く体積した落ち葉(腐葉土)をチャリで持ち帰って漉き込む、の繰り返しでした。今ではすっかり黒土になっていますが、それでも台所の生ごみは容器にためておいては順繰りにあちこち埋めています。
After you dig about 25cm, the loamy soil starts, and this was the problem I faced when I decided to turn my parking space into a garden with fruit trees.  The soil was as hard as concrete, and I could not dig into it with my shovel, let alone for a fruit tree's roots to survive.  So, I got permission from the management office of the Johoku Park to collect old leaves - there were piles of humus everywhere in the park.  Together with the rotten leaves, I ploughed in all of my kitchen garbage, in order to make the soil softer and richer.  After doing this for more than 6 months, from spring to autumn, the soil was much better suited for gardening.  Even now, I recycle my kitchen garbage in the garden.


Taiga looking relaxed after coming home.  The yellow edible chrysanthemum is at its peak of flowering.  It is too pretty to use it for eating purpose, so I just enjoy looking at it.

The pink aster is in full bloom.  Starting from about 5cm, and just 5 of them, it has grown vigorously.  It already has new shoots for next year, near the roots.

The pink edible chrysanthemum has started to boom at last.

This is the plant I bought last year, as an addition to the then existing ones.  Due to the extreme summer this year, only this one and another one I bought last year have survived.

This is the edible chrysanthemum I got last winter, but the seller did not know the variety's name.

The early flowering variety that was here until recently has already finished and now this pot stands in front of the house.  Taiga is seen loitering behind the gate, hoping to be allowed out.

It is Sunday today, when we have people passing by, so she will stay inside.


日本ナツメなど Jujube etc


I bought a large Japanese jujube plant in August this year.  Subsequently, 3 suckers came out and grew fast to over 60cm.  Today, I separated them from the main tree and planted them in individual pots.  It was hard work to cut them off from the parent's root system.  I used a saw and a trowel, and even then, each sucker came out with a pitiful amount of root.  Hopefully, they will recover from the shock and start growing new roots during the winter.  It was reassuring to see the leaves looking perky after being re-potted.

This is the parent tree.  Without the suckers, the tree looks neat.

I will be pruning the small branches during the winter, since the tree has grown lanky.

クリスマスローズの古い葉っぱを先月 取り除いたあと、来年用の葉っぱが元気に伸びてきました。この苗は今年の3月にネットショップで買ったゴールド苗です(偶然、上の日本ナツメの苗もここで買いました)。元々りっぱな苗でしたが夏の間に根っこが育ったらしく、今は2倍以上の株になっています。
I removed the old leaves of the Christmas roses last month.  Since then, new leaves have been coming out quite vigorously.  This plant was bought in March this year (in fact, from the same shop where I got the Japanese jujube tree shown above).  This plant was already well grown at that time, but during the summer months, the root system must have expanded.  As a result, the whole plant has more than doubled.

This is the flower.  The picture was taken and uploaded by the shop at the end of January this year.

This is how the plant looked when it was delivered to me in late March this year.  The flowers had finished some time previously, but they still retained some of the beautiful colour, which was unusual for Christmas roses.

This is a seedling that came out of the ground several years ago.  A few years previous to that, I had bought a lot of golden Christmas roses which did not last a year before perishing.  So, I assume that this plant is their legacy.

This was the flower in early spring this year.  It shows the characteristics of the initial gold Christmas roses that were developed by a nursery in Saitama Prefecture.  It caused such a sensation that many other people bred them with Helleborus orientalis, and the so-called 'golden Christmas roses' available nowadays are watered-down versions.  Specifically, the flower is not facing forward but instead drooping, and the flower stem is long instead of about 10cm tall.  The plant I bought in March this year belongs to the watered-down generation.

This is a seedling I found this autumn.  It was growing near the red flower variety that I also have, but not quite keen on.

This chrysanthemum that I bought in autumn last year is meant to have only one huge flower, but I just cannot manage it.  I give it up.

Taiga was so bored that she insisted on coming out even though we still have mosquitoes due to the unusually warm weather.


冬支度完了 Ready for winter


This year, the pink flower variety of the edible chrysanthemums barely survived the summer heat.  I was hoping to replenish the pink variety once the flowering season started.  For this purpose, I have been visiting the local JA every few days hoping to catch new arrivals, but no such luck.  According to a member of the Farmers' Co-operative, the pink variety is not heat resistant and growers all over the country suffered this year.  So, it was not just my garden.  On my way out of the JA nursery, I spotted a plant which was apparently the last one left.  The tag said 'edible chrysanthemum' but there was no variety name.  However, the flowers reminded me of the variety I bought this summer, and I brough it home.

The plant at the bottom of the photo is the one I got during the summer, and the one above it is this morning's find.  Both of the flowers have a tinge of orange.
I bought the existing one on the e-commerce site, "mercari", predominantly used by individuals both on the selling and buying side.  The seller of this plant did not know the variety name, either.

Today, I repotted the cymbidium plants at last.  They spent the spring and summer months in the shade of the plum trees, and I probably over watered them.  When I pulled the plants out of their pots, most of the roots were rotten.  I cut off all the blackened roots, which left me with only a pitiful amount of living roots.  The roots looked inadequate for the large leaves.  However, I am hoping that the plants will be as tenacious as cactus plants.  At the end of last year, I bought 3 cymbidium plants and each of them has been halved and repotted separately.  For the soil, I used only bark chips imported from New Zealand and nothing else.

This pot has only bulbs.  I threw away all the soft bulbs but these two were rock hard with live stuff inside.  I am expecting to see these coming back into life during winter.

I also planted the new chrysanthemum in a pot.

Now I am ready for the winter.  My back is killing me.


また雨 Raining again


Due to the approaching typhoon Kong-rey (typhoon No. 21), the weather is very changeable.  It started to rain heavily just as we were going out for Taiga's short walk around the block in the early afternoon.

Can you not wait a little longer?

The edible chrysanthemum in front of the porch is about to bloom.  I hear that you should replant chrysanthemums every winter, but I do not have the space to do it.  So, I changed the soil entirely and replanted the winter roots having removed all the soil from the roots as well.  It has had a good effect - this cluster consists of only 4 or 5 plants.

The second batch of pink wild aster 'Momoyama' (in front) is not thriving.  I will plant it in a large pot this coming winter so that it does not have to compete with other plants.

The purple wild aster growing at the foot of an orange tree is just about to bloom.  It has been there since I bought it several years ago.

Looking back the narrow path from the gate.

The yellow flowers are the spare pot of the edible chrysanthemum 'Jugoya'.  The seller on the internet site sent me more than promised and I had to find another pot.  The purple flowers beyond are a part of the wild aster from the bottom of the orange tree - they had thrived too much, and I had to find a new home for some of them.  Just like chrysanthemums, wild asters seem to benefit from replanting.

The edible Jugoya chrysanthemum in front of the gate.  The growth habit is not upright, and it needs to be supported.

本当に今 散歩に行きたい?
Do you really want to go?


朝散歩など Morning walk etc


Taiga looking bored this morning, lying on the staircase landing, while I was having my breakfast and shower.

Having got myself ready to go out, I called her name but she looked reluctant to move.

The quince tree in the park with its fruits getting ripe by the day.

Such an ornamental tree - looking at the fruits gives me a satisfying feeling.

On our way home, we met a new face - a male Maltese, named Ken, who will be turning 5 soon.  He had just done his business and his mom was picking it up.  All the while, he looked at us calmly as we approached him.

According to his mom, Ken hates the camera, and she can never take good pictures of him.  Fortunately, he was co-operative with me.

As we walked along the river, one of the flowering dogwood was already turning bright red.
Some other flowering dogwood trees along this footpath are still very green.  I wonder if the colour of flowers has anything to do with how early the leaves turn into autumn colours.  This particular tree gets red flowers.

Taiga walking along the red brick wall.

Our neighbour had gardeners coming in for autumn pruning.  They were starting with the black pine tree beside the gate.  The spider lilies in my garden originally came from this place.

Back home, the second pot of 'Jugoya' edible chrysanthemum is starting to flower (left).

This year, I have arranged different colours of chrysanthemums and asters.  On the left, starting with the one in front, the yellow Jugoya chrysanthemum, pink aster, yellow edible chrysanthemum called Shofu, deep purple wild aster, and, in front of the porch, the yellow Shofu chrysanthemum.

However, this autumn, my best favourite flower is this wild aster with pink flowers.

It looks delicate for now, but I plan to grow this in a large pot next year so that it will not have to compete for space with other plants.