
朝散歩 Morning walk


We met a new face on our way to the park.  A female Bulldog mix, named Momo, 4 1/2 years old.

She is not used to meeting other dogs or strangers.  Soon after I stroked her,

she pulled her dad away to go home.

At the Johoku Central Park, the grass was glittering with morning dew.

We had an unexpected reunion with many old faces.  This is Kito, a female Shiba Inu with goma-type coat.  She is several years younger than Taiga and we have known her sine her puppy days.

Kito hates the camera but I managed to get a smile from her.

Hina and Sena, the Kaiken sisters, passed by.  I love how Hina's tail stands straight.  She is not being alert and her tail is naturally like this - it is called "tachi-o", with 'tachi' meaning a sword.

Hina is pulling her leash with all her strength to come closer to me.

I had to step back to be able to take a picture - Hina looking as if to say "why?".  She is very loyal to Taiga and me.

Judy, a Flat-coated Retriever mix, was also there.  When Taiga was a rambunctious puppy, July was the one who taught her manners.

A new face: a pea-sized Shiba Inu, 1 year and 2 months old female, named Rika.

In spite of her size, she is fearless because everyone has been kind to her in her short life experience.  Since every human being who sees her utters the word 'kawaii' (cute), she thinks it is her second name and reacts to it.

Indeed, she is so cute! 

Judy came forward to greet me.  She is a very large dog and you would not think she was 15 years old from her good condition.  I am hoping that Taiga would be as robust as Judy.

Since I was absorbed with Rika, Taiga started snuggling up to Rika's dad.

柴犬のコンちゃんが登場。タイガより数歳若い男の子で、コンちゃんが生後4か月頃から会っているのですが、近年 警戒心が強くなって他所のワンコと距離を置くようになりました。
Kon, a male Shiba Inu arrives.  He has always been a skittish individual.  We first met him when he was 4-months old and he used to play with Taiga without problem until a few years ago.  Now he does not want anyone to come too close.

So he observes other dogs from a distance.

Taiga enjoying her grass bath over there.


朝散歩 Morning walk


We went to a field near the Johoku Central Park.  This used to be a farm field with vegetables and kiwi plants, owned by an old couple.  It is now managed by the Nerima Ward Office and open to the public.  Unlike Johoku, which is managed by the Tokyo Metropolitan Office, this place is rather neglected, with the result that the grass is rarely cut.  It also means that few people/dogs come to this place, and we always have the field to ourselves.

  Colchicum autumnale flowers - surprising to see them in a former farm field.

The plant is poisonous.

Fortunately, Taiga never shows interest in these flowers or any other poisonous plants.

Her face covered with grass seeds and morning dews, having sniffed around.

The road that has been in planning for decades and will take several more decades before completion.  The government is not allowed to force people out, so the road has been stretching and widening little by little.  The grassland on the left of the picture used to be occupied by a tire factory when I first moved to this area 27 years ago.




香酸類 Cooking citrus fruits


In contrast to yesterday, it rained all day today and the temperature plummeted.  Whatever the weather, I continue to take Taiga out 5 times each day and, as a result, she has had no accident so far.  

Previously, whenever she had an accident, she used to freeze as if she were so ashamed of herself with the fur on her tail and hind legs matted with urine.  For a dog with that much awareness of her well-being, I feel it cruel to put nappies on her.  As long as she is able to go out for a walk, she will stay nappy-free.

Kabosu, a lemon-sized citrus fruit that is used for cooking is nearly ready for harvesting.  Mine is a variety without seeds or thorns, but the taste and flavour are just the same as the common variety.  Kabosu is best used while green on the outside.

Sudachi is another citrus for cooking.  Again, the variety I grow is seedless and thorn-free.  Sudachi is a small fruit but, being seedless, I get more juice than the common variety.  Sudachi has a very thin skin and I have to be careful with watering - too much watering/rain could lead to the fruit cracking.  This year, I had only one fruit that cracked.  Like Kabosu, Sudachi is used while green.


朝散歩 Morning walk


The air was cool and dry in the early morning, and the cloud in the sky was really autumn-like.

This thinly scattered cloud is very typical of autumn in Japan.  In the morning light, the cloud was sparkling.  When I was a corporate person many years ago, I could hardly care about these beautiful natural phenomenon, as I was heading straight to the underground station.  Now I feel very fortunate.

Taiga wanted to walk through the residential area this morning.  We came upon a White Shiba Inu - a 14-year old male, named Tetsumaru.  According to his dad, Tetsumaru is extremely timid, and he would not come out from behind the utility pole.

So I let him sniff my hand which had Taiga's scent, too.  Likewise, hid dad let Taiga smell his hand.

Tetsumaru somehow relaxed and came out of hiding.  I felt this was enough for a first time meeting with such a timid dog.  Any more effort to get them closer would be putting a pressure on him and he would go away with a negative memory of Taiga.

A shrub with red berries in front of my neighbour's house.

I think this is the Japanese spindle tree - a wild plant I used to see in the mountains of my home village.

Nearly opposite to that house, there was a flower bed with the Salvia leucantha in full bloom.

This is such a tough herb and it thrives in the Japanese climate with high temperature and humidity.  I used to have it in my garden, too, but it grew out of control.


パッションフルーツ Passion fruits


The passion fruit flowers that bloomed in September have produced beautiful young fruits.  In all, I pollinated about 10 flowers.  I will be cutting the vine back to about 1 metre in November in order to keep the plant indoors during winter.  I shall see how close to ripening these fruits will grow by then.

The fruits are about L-sized chicken eggs now.

The vines provided me during the summer with perfect shade from rains and sunshine.

So far, having 5 walks everyday seems to be working well for Taiga.  From this, it seems that it is not the case of pure incontinence but a case of frequent need to urinate.  Apart from the long walks in early morning and evening, we come to this empty plot nearby which is used as a carpark.

When we came back, we met the male Toy Poodle of a neighbour.  He is 15 years old and also goes out for walks quite frequently.  However, being a smaller breed, he does not look as aged as Taiga.


秋しみじみ Quiet autumn morning


At the back of my house, there is a tiny space where spider lilies are growing.  This spot remains in the shadow of houses for most of the day, except for a few hours at midday when the sun passes above.  As a result they come into bloom after the spider lilies in front of the porch are gone.  Having started with one bulb, the number of flowers seems to be increasing year by year, so they must be thriving.

Thanks to staggered blooming, I can enjoy the flowers twice in one autumn.

Taiga gets a treat  after toothbrushing.  I started using a new brand advertised on TV - it is quite an expensive brand but I see little difference so far after one month.  However, I will continue the monthly subscription for another 2 months in case it works.  At least, Taiga seems to like it much more than the previous brand which she has used for the last 10 years.

Enjoyed the treat?

The Kaiken is stoic and never makes loud demands like the Husky.  Moreover, Taiga never comes snuggling up to me and prefers to be left alone - she is so low key.  Still, I see a unique charm in her.