
朝散歩 Morning walk


The air was cool and dry in the early morning, and the cloud in the sky was really autumn-like.

This thinly scattered cloud is very typical of autumn in Japan.  In the morning light, the cloud was sparkling.  When I was a corporate person many years ago, I could hardly care about these beautiful natural phenomenon, as I was heading straight to the underground station.  Now I feel very fortunate.

Taiga wanted to walk through the residential area this morning.  We came upon a White Shiba Inu - a 14-year old male, named Tetsumaru.  According to his dad, Tetsumaru is extremely timid, and he would not come out from behind the utility pole.

So I let him sniff my hand which had Taiga's scent, too.  Likewise, hid dad let Taiga smell his hand.

Tetsumaru somehow relaxed and came out of hiding.  I felt this was enough for a first time meeting with such a timid dog.  Any more effort to get them closer would be putting a pressure on him and he would go away with a negative memory of Taiga.

A shrub with red berries in front of my neighbour's house.

I think this is the Japanese spindle tree - a wild plant I used to see in the mountains of my home village.

Nearly opposite to that house, there was a flower bed with the Salvia leucantha in full bloom.

This is such a tough herb and it thrives in the Japanese climate with high temperature and humidity.  I used to have it in my garden, too, but it grew out of control.