
朝散歩 Morning walk


We met a new face on our way to the park.  A female Bulldog mix, named Momo, 4 1/2 years old.

She is not used to meeting other dogs or strangers.  Soon after I stroked her,

she pulled her dad away to go home.

At the Johoku Central Park, the grass was glittering with morning dew.

We had an unexpected reunion with many old faces.  This is Kito, a female Shiba Inu with goma-type coat.  She is several years younger than Taiga and we have known her sine her puppy days.

Kito hates the camera but I managed to get a smile from her.

Hina and Sena, the Kaiken sisters, passed by.  I love how Hina's tail stands straight.  She is not being alert and her tail is naturally like this - it is called "tachi-o", with 'tachi' meaning a sword.

Hina is pulling her leash with all her strength to come closer to me.

I had to step back to be able to take a picture - Hina looking as if to say "why?".  She is very loyal to Taiga and me.

Judy, a Flat-coated Retriever mix, was also there.  When Taiga was a rambunctious puppy, July was the one who taught her manners.

A new face: a pea-sized Shiba Inu, 1 year and 2 months old female, named Rika.

In spite of her size, she is fearless because everyone has been kind to her in her short life experience.  Since every human being who sees her utters the word 'kawaii' (cute), she thinks it is her second name and reacts to it.

Indeed, she is so cute! 

Judy came forward to greet me.  She is a very large dog and you would not think she was 15 years old from her good condition.  I am hoping that Taiga would be as robust as Judy.

Since I was absorbed with Rika, Taiga started snuggling up to Rika's dad.

柴犬のコンちゃんが登場。タイガより数歳若い男の子で、コンちゃんが生後4か月頃から会っているのですが、近年 警戒心が強くなって他所のワンコと距離を置くようになりました。
Kon, a male Shiba Inu arrives.  He has always been a skittish individual.  We first met him when he was 4-months old and he used to play with Taiga without problem until a few years ago.  Now he does not want anyone to come too close.

So he observes other dogs from a distance.

Taiga enjoying her grass bath over there.