
邪魔ものは消す Get rid of the unwanted


When I took photos of Taiga on 10th September, I should have noticed and cleared her eye discharge.  I only discovered it when I downloaded the photos at home.  To my surprise, I found a function to erase it in the app that I use for editing videos.  The one I use is the free version of Davinci Resolve 18.6, and I find I can do similar things that I used to with Photoshop many years ago with still pictures.  What's more, I can do this on a moving scene if a certain set of conditions is met.

Thus, the "sleep" on Taiga's left eye is now gone.


公園で At the park


Nice and cool morning, I enjoyed our morning walk for the first time in months.

The wild flowers ("Four-o'clock flower") were sending off strong sweet scent.

We took the shortest path to the wooded area where I hoped to let Taiga loose.

When we arrived, I found Hina and Sena were already there.  Having not seen each other for some time, they were really excited.

Hina is much younger than Taiga but they grew up together.  Hina is always so happy to see Taiga.

She also likes me as Taiga's mom, and she came and sat down in front of me.

Sena is also a Kaiken, but without the usual dark colour.  It is an abnormality not recognised by the Kaiken Aigokai rules, so cream coloured Kaiken are not issued  pedigree certificates even though born of Kaiken parents.

When Taiga walked away to sniff around, Sena followed her which was unusual.  When Sena joined the current family, Taiga was at a stage in life when she was losing interest in coming to the park, preferring to walk about in the neighbourhood residential area.  As a result, Sena has never really bonded with Taiga.


After we parted with Hina and Sena, we had a rest in the shade to enjoy the cool weather.

Such a difference from a few weeks ago.

Shall we go home now?


朝散歩 Morning walk


It rained again all day yesterday and into the night.  Fortunately, it had stopped by morning and we headed for the Johoku Central Park.  We found a cool spot under a huge tree.  For the firs time, I could really feel that it was September now.


An acquaintance passed by in the distance with his Border Collie.

Taiga hoping to catch their attention, but in vain.

The ground was too moist for me to sit on but it was nice and cool for Taiga.

Shall we go home?

Near my home, we ran into our old friend.  She and her husband used to have a male Kaiken, named Musashi, who absolutely adored Taiga when she was a puppy.  In memory of him, Taiga loves the mom.  They live in the opposite direction but they came this way for the annual canine vaccination.

These little ones are used to seeing Taiga.


Back at home.
The yellow licorice flowers are in full bloom now.

Taiga wanted to stay outside but we still have a lot of mosquitoes so she had to come in.


ヒガンバナなど Spider lily etc


The white-flower spider lily is in bloom.  I added this variety to my garden in winter 2021 and this is the second flowering year.

I also have pink-flower spider lily which is extremely rare.  However, since last year, the bulbs started to simply multiply producing no flowers, probably because I give too much fertiliser every spring.  Therefore, I am not going to do anything when the plant goes into its resting period next year.

The yellow-flower licorice is also in bloom.  Compared with the red spider lily, this is a very large flower.

The petals are thick and broad, and the whole flower is very robust.  I love the radiance of this flower.

Taiga looking a little depressed.  She had an accident (peed) while sleeping after lunch.  Since I am at home all day with her, she could have alerted me to go out earlier than usual, but she didn't.  Perhaps it is something to do with her age (10 years) and the spaying operation she had when she was 11months old.


公園で At the park


It started to rain in the afternoon yesterday and the rain lasted through the night.  As a result, the air in the park this morning was quite tolerable although the humidity was there.  The apple trees have lost most of their leaves, looking like late autumn.

One of the Japanese crab apple varieties called 'Alps Otome'.  It is small, but tastes just like regular dessert apples, according to the plant catalogue.

Red spider lilies growing among hydrangea plants.

More red spider lilies, growing at the foot of a Hibiscus mutabilis plant.

This hibiscus variety is in bloom from mid summer to late autumn, which makes this plant valuable in the park, particularly at the height of summer when there are few plants flowering due to extreme heat.

The spider lilies must be very tough, growing in a spot like this.


The passion fruit plant on my balcony is starting to flower again.  Based on the experience of last year, after the summer harvest, the plant produces flowers in September and the resulting fruits will ripen in late January-early February of the following year.  By that time, being outside, the plant was pretty dead and I had to dispose of it after harvesting.
This year, I am going to cut back these vines in November so that the plant will survive the winter indoors.  This means, any fruits from the current flowering will not be ripe when I take the plant inside.


朝散歩 Morning walk


Another hot day today, and Taiga has just taken some water at the small park behind the green fence.  She is now resting in the shade.

Pink abelia is blooming again.  This variety is not as conspicuous as the white variety.  Nor does it offer the strong perfume of the white one.

Taiga is absolutely exhausted from the heat and walking, so when I signalled to go home, she followed me happily.

A very striking flower that I saw on our way home.  This household keeps several potted plants looking like banana plants, and today one of them is flowering.

Only after I came home, I installed the GreenSnap app.  Perhaps I can go back to that house and check the name of the plant.


シャンプー後 After shampoo


I had not shampooed Taiga since sometime in August and her feet were smelling really strong.  As to her body, luckily, the Kaiken is an odourless creature in general.  So, I washed her this afternoon and we braved the scorching afternoon sun to go to the Johoku Central Park.  Thanks to the heat of the sun, the surface of Taiga's coat got dry very quickly.

We went up to the middle level of the park, where

some of the trees were starting to look autumnal. 

We then went up to the top of the park and enjoyed the deep shade, sometimes coming out of it for Taiga's benefit.