
公園で At the park


It started to rain in the afternoon yesterday and the rain lasted through the night.  As a result, the air in the park this morning was quite tolerable although the humidity was there.  The apple trees have lost most of their leaves, looking like late autumn.

One of the Japanese crab apple varieties called 'Alps Otome'.  It is small, but tastes just like regular dessert apples, according to the plant catalogue.

Red spider lilies growing among hydrangea plants.

More red spider lilies, growing at the foot of a Hibiscus mutabilis plant.

This hibiscus variety is in bloom from mid summer to late autumn, which makes this plant valuable in the park, particularly at the height of summer when there are few plants flowering due to extreme heat.

The spider lilies must be very tough, growing in a spot like this.


The passion fruit plant on my balcony is starting to flower again.  Based on the experience of last year, after the summer harvest, the plant produces flowers in September and the resulting fruits will ripen in late January-early February of the following year.  By that time, being outside, the plant was pretty dead and I had to dispose of it after harvesting.
This year, I am going to cut back these vines in November so that the plant will survive the winter indoors.  This means, any fruits from the current flowering will not be ripe when I take the plant inside.