I took a picture of Taiga, showing the effect of her diet which started in January this year. After removing the lipoma from her chest in May, together with the benefit of slimming, she seems to have become much more active and alive. Although I was worried about the general anaesthetic operation, I am now very pleased with the way it has turned out.
We moved to the field at the higher ground of the Johoku Central Park, sat down and relaxed.
I only recently shampooed Taiga, but she does not care. I do hope she will stay relatively clean until this year's final shampoo at the end of this month.
She pulled a piece of wood that was lying near her and started gnawing at it.ノムラモミジが紅葉しています。春に芽吹いて真っ赤になったあと、夏から秋口までは陰鬱な赤黒い色で、晩秋になるとまた鮮やかな赤になります。こんなに綺麗なのに、この中央公園で唯一のモミジの木だと思います。
The Nomura maple tree is in its full autumn colour. The leaves are bright red when they come out in spring, but turn into a dull, dark colour during summer and early autumn. However, as soon as the weather turns cold, they go back to the spring colour. Such a beautiful tree, and yet, this is the only maple tree in this vast park.
The park straddles over our Nerima-ku and Itabashi-ku, and this is one of the entrances on the Itabashi-ku side, with an avenue of ginkgo trees.
今年 小さな苗で買ったノコンギクに似た花がまだ咲き続けています。まるで造花のように衰える様子がありません。今までは「ノコンギクもどき」と心の中で思ってあまり重要視していませんでしたが、ここまで頑張っているのを見ると大切に育てていこうという気になりました。花そのものはノコンギクの桃山にそっくりだし、遥かに丈夫なので文句なしです。
The aster that I bought earlier this year as a tiny plant is still blooming. They have been in full bloom for so long that they look like plastic flowers. Seeing the plant doing its best and doing so well, I am getting to like it more. The flowers look very similar to the Japanese wild aster variety called 'Momoyama', but the plant is far stronger than Momoyama. So, I no longer look down on it as a 'Momoyama look-alike'.
ピンク系の食用菊は今年は振るわなかったけど、冬至芽が出始めているので来年は場所替えして是非 増やしたいです。
The pink edible chrysanthemum barely survived the extreme summer this year. Luckily, several new shoots for next year are coming out already. I will replant them in a spot with less exposure to the sun next year.
Although under the same variety name, there are several shades of pink for this chrysanthemum. My favourite is this deep pink type. When I blanch the flower petals and add vinegar, the colour turns darker pink. Also, if I leave the flowers growing as they are until the temperature drops low, the petals turn almost purple.