
サツマイモの立体栽培 Growing sweet potatoes vertically


I saw an interesting video on Youtube from overseas last winter.  They planted sweet potato cuttings using a tall bag.  This way, it seems you can save space, harvest more potatoes, and it would be easier to get the potatoes out of the soil, since you do not have to dig into the ground.

I made the bag myself, using a picnic tarp that I got from a 100 yen shop many years ago in order to have picnic lunches with Taiga.  It got so old and dirty that I was going to throw it away, until I thought of re-using it this way.  To sew the tarp into a bag, I used the kite string.  
Now, the tarp is a weaved product just like the dish cloth in the kitchen.  If I water too much, dews seep out all over the bag, as if the bag were sweating.  So, there is no worry about excessive moisture in the soil.

We had a break from the rain for several hours yesterday and I did all the work of sewing the bag, carrying bucketful of soil upstairs several times, and then planting the cuttings.  The cuttings are from the potato that I buried in a pot of soil during winter this year.  This variety is floury and dry - the type I used to love as a child in Toyama Prefecture.  I can rarely find this type of sweet potatoes nowadays in Tokyo, since the sticky and moist type is all the rage.  
For the soil, I added no fertiliser since the soil in my garden is too rich in nutrition for sweet potatoes.  The rim of the bag is tucked outwards and, if I need to add more soil, I just have to unfold the tuck.

I placed the bag under the shelf that I have been using for passion fruit plants for the last few years.  I am going to create a 'green curtain' with the potato vines, allowing them to grow to about 2 meters.  (In the Youtube video, they kept the vines much shorter.)