
蟠棗(パンザオ棗) Panzao jujube


何と、穂木が生きている証拠、芽吹きです! でも、場所が.....  これは邪道と言わずにはいられない。何でわざと残しておいたあの節からではなく、根元から?

We had a warm rain overnight in the Kanto region.  The rain stopped by noon today and I went to check on my Panzao jujube upstairs.

Behold - a sign of life!  But not in the right place...  Why so close to the ground?

I am convinced that the new shoot is from the scion wood.  The part surrounded by red is the root stock which was almost swallowed up by the scion.   Happily, the new shoot is situated just above the fusion point.

What about the one node on which I pinned all my hopes?  Nothing is happening yet.
The way the plant was kept in the nursery field in China was so bad that this plant is covered with bug holes.  As a result, I am not sure how much lividity this tree trunk has in order to nurture the node.  The nutrition has to travel up only 20 cm above the ground to reach the node but, so far, it is not working.  As a result, I am wondering if I should still rely on this node and remove the new shoot, or, leave the node alone and just concentrate on the new shoot as an alternative trunk.

The reason why I sound pessimistic about the strength of the tree trunk is this↓.
The trunk is covered with numerous deep wounds getting beyond the cambium layer.

Many of the scars are running diagonal, which reduces the continuity of the cambium layer.

Here, you can see a deep hole, exposing the core of the tree trunk.
I am going to sleep on it before making any decision tomorrow.