
フィンガーライムなど Finger lime etc


The finger lime variety called 'Rick's Red' has started to flower.  This tree has not produced any fruits yet.  This year, it has flower buds all over the plant and I was getting my hopes up.  However, with every day, I am getting resigned to another year of no fruits.

The reason is - all the flowers so far are devoid of pistil.

I do not see a single pistil.  I do not know if the outside temperature had any influence on this.  Only this plant spent the winter outside, while Mia Rose and a seedling were kept in a sunny room facing South.

This is one of the 3 tiny plants I bought recently.  Of the 3 plants I bought then, this Purple Bliss has more fruits than others.  However, since the plant is so tiny, it may decide to shed them all in order to prioritise its growth.

This is the seedling plant.  Although the tree does not get many flowers, it never fails to give me several fruits every year.  So, this plant has made the greatest contribution over the years.

Some fruits are already setting from recent flowering.

This is Mia Rose.  I have never seen flowers on this plant and I have made no effort to thin the branches or the thorns.  As a result, the branches are dense and thorns are vicious.

たぶん知らない間に越冬中に咲いた花からの実が、今は長さ3 cmくらいに育っています。ここまで来れば収穫まで行けるでしょう。
I never saw a flower that resulted in this young fruit - it must have flowered around the New Year.  It is now about 3 cm and quite likely grow to its maturity.

I do not see many flowers on Mia Rose in the current flowering season but, at least, most of the flowers have the pistil.

ブラックベリーのナバホが今満開。草むしりなどをしていると、道行く人たちが「これ、キウイ?」というのを何度か聞きました。ハア? 以前、キウイを絡ませていた場所とはいえ、ウーン。
The Navaho blackberry is in full bloom now.  It is so pretty that many people passing by have commented on the flowers, although they do not seem to know what plant it is.
To me, they look like pretty wild roses.


For the evening walk, Taiga wanted to go in the opposite direction to the Johoku Park.  We met a new face - a white Akita puppy, 5 months old, with long fur.

She may be a 5-month old puppy, but she is already larger than Taiga.

And, she is well aware of her size superiority - straightaway, she approached Taiga's rear end and started sniffing hard.

Moreover, she screams if she cannot get her own way.  So, her training has a long way to go.