
オリーブ Olives



I bought small olive plants a few years ago: in the photo below, Cipressino (left) and Pcual (right).  Since then, I learned on the internet that Cipressino tended to grow into a lanky tree in the early years.  Since I can keep them only in pots, this was bad news.  So I trimmed Cipressino almost down to the ground in March last year.

Now it is compact and bushy with lots of flowers.  Originally, I was looking for Picual since I had heard that it was self-fertile.  Luckily, I found Picual and Cipressino cuttings growing in the same pot and with fruits already on them.  I have also learned that Cipressino is self-fertile, too.  So, I am not worried that only Cipressino has flowers this year.

Picual also became lanky during last year and I cut it down to 25cm above the ground in December 2023.  There were new leaf bud movements through winter, which means that the climate in Tokyo is warm enough for olive trees.  The current state of this Picual is how Cipressino looked this time last year.  So, I am hoping to see both of them with lots of flowers in May next year.