
ナツメ苗 Jujube plants



Two days ago, I happened to see a special price offer of a named variety of jujube (the official Chinese name of this variety is not known in Japan, but it originally came from the continent).  The price was reduced to such a level that I could not resist.  I have never had this variety before and only too happy to try it.

I placed the order, and the plant was delivered just after 2 p.m. today, as I had requested.  The moment the delivery person handed the box to me, it felt so heavy!

When I opened the box, I was surprised to see that it was not a bareroot plant.  It might have been a bareroot when it was shipped out in new soil during last winter, but it has grown since then.  I just could not believe my luck!  This plant at 3,100 yen?

The new growth (a permanent branch) is hitting the ceiling.

A lot of new growth.

25 cm 超えの新梢(恒常的な枝)が3本ありました。主幹は根元から先端まで美肌のツルツル。一箇所も蟠棗のような樹皮の虫食いはありません。
Of the new growth, I can see 3 permanent branches of more than 25 cm.  The surface of the tree trunk is perfectly smooth from bottom to the top, unlike the Panzao, an imported plant.

Already, there are a lot of flower buds, but I do not want them to grow too fast.  Flowering in a hot climate of July-August results in fruit setting more than flowers in May-June.  So, I want the plant to conserve its energy.

To avoid disturbing the new roots, I cut the plastic pot open with a pair of scissors.  The roots are doing well.

There is even a root shooting out of the soil.

I planted it in a 30 cm diameter pot.  I will keep it in partial shade for about a week, before taking it to the upstairs balcony where the plant will enjoy full sun.
I cannot tell you how happy I am!


ところで、3月23日の配達から2か月経った蟠棗(ぱんざお)は、今日現在この状態です。生存確率を少しでも高めるために主幹を25 cmほどに切り詰めて、根っこがこの↓ひとつの節だけを養うようにしてからもう2か月も経ったとは。。。でも、希望を捨てていません。
As to the Panzao jujube that arrived on 23rd March this year, no sign of movement yet.  However, I am still optimistic that this plant will live.  I am just waiting for the root system to start nurturing this one node.  All my hope is in this one node.



The reason why I am convinced that this plant is alive is that, when I pour water over the tree trunk, the skin looks really fresh and greenish.  Now, the skin of this plant is breached by bugs in many places, but I think the plant will survive.

As to bug damages, this variety is imported direct from China, where they have vast farm fields growing newly grafted plants.  They cannot look after each plant like they do with the one that arrived today.  The plant I got today is a variety that has been traded in Japan for so many years that it is now domestically produced.

When I got this plant in March, I noticed that the root stock had been 'swallowed up' by the scion tree.  I have planted it so that the scion tree could start growing its own roots.  This may not be a proper way to do, but what I need now is to ensure the survival of this plant.  I think it is alive because, when I pour water over the plant, the skin at the base looks very green.