
ベルガモット挿し木 Bergamot cuttings



The Bergamot tree was getting weaker every winter, so I dug it out in February this year to see how the roots were doing - they were half rotten.  No wonder the branches of other citrus varieties grafted onto Bergamot were dying.  Since I love the flavour of the Bergamot, I did not want to part with this variety altogether and made some cuttings.

It has been more than 1/2 year and, as there is little time left this year during which roots are still active, I took the cuttings out of the soil.  The roots were surprisingly poor, considering the months that passed.  Still, better than nothing.


I planted every cutting into pots, giving larger pots to the cuttings with more roots.

I had completely given up doing any gardening work during the summer - it was so humid and my garden was mosquito-infested.  Recently, I started tidying up the garden.  As I was exhausting myself with unfamiliar work, Taiga was enjoying the view of passers-by through the fence.  She pays absolutely no attention to what I do - a cat would be more solicitous.