I made a pumpkin tart with the pumpkin variety that is very sweet and powdery. By using heavy cream, instead of milk, the result was a very rich texture.
I made a pumpkin tart with the pumpkin variety that is very sweet and powdery. By using heavy cream, instead of milk, the result was a very rich texture.
The yellow flower lycoris has started to flower.
I made baked tartlets with firm dessert apples. The filling underneath the apple slices is made up with cream cheese, sour cream, and half an egg yolk.
The passion flower vine started flowering on 6th September. I have been pollinating them and the young fruits are growing very fast. Hopefully, they will be ready for harvesting before the end of this year, when I will be getting rid of the vine.
On our way to the park, there is a bush with orange flowers. I remember seeing this tree everywhere when I was working in the South East Asia. When they clear the overgrown undergrowth, they cut this tree down to the ground and yet it comes back just like a weed.
Scallops are my favourite seafood and thse buns are particularly nice with tuna lining at the bottom.エレファントハートは地植えにして初年度なので収穫は期待していなかったのですが、いくつかコガネに落とされたあと最終的に4個だけ残りました。もうそろそろ、と思って毎朝チェックしていたところ、今朝は1個なくなっていました。
The "Elephant Heart" plant, a variety from the US, used to be in a pot but I planted it in the garden early this year. So, I was not expecting any fruits this year but 4 of them survived up to now. However, I could not see one of them this morning.