
パッションフルーツ被害 Passion Fruits

 昨夜(金曜夜)、台風の雨のなか、ドスンドスンと何かがバルコニーの床に落ちる音がしたので、そうっとガラス戸を開けてみたらハクビシンらしき動物がパッションフルーツの棚から降りて、バルコニーの手すりの上を急いで逃げて行きました。なっ、なっ! と思いましたが、さすがに雨のバルコニーへ出る気にもなれず布団へ戻りました。


We had typhoon #12 yesterday (Friday) which brought a heavy rain.  In spite of the weather, I kept hearing strange noises in the middle of the night, so I opened the door and saw a creature (Paguma larvata) scurrying away.  I could not believe my eyes but I was not ready to go into the rain to investigate, so I went back to bed.  In the morning, I found these 9 fruits on the balcony floor - still small and green.

I cut the greenest one to see if it was edible.  It was!  So, I may not have to throw them away.

The plant was created from a cutting during last summer.  It has grown well but not many fruits.  I am going to keep the plant by cutting back when it gets cold, so that it will be mature and ready to grow many fruits next summer.  At least, the plant has served me well by providing a deep shade on sunny days, while preventing the rain from coming into the bedroom (on the right) through the screen door on rainy days.

This is the ceiling.