
パッションフルーツさらなる被害 More about Passion Fruits

 昨夜も寝室横のバルコニーでボトボト音がして目をさましました。今朝になって新たに3個の落果を発見(右の3個)。昨日 試食した1個と合わせて全部で9個の実を落とされました。ハクビシン!

3 more fruits were dropped during last night (on the right).  The sound was so loud that it woke me up, although this time I did not see the creature.

Recently, I bought some gravel for baking sweet potatoes.  These stones were mined from a mountain in Japan, processed at 800℃, and are said to have far-infrared radiation effect when used for baking potatoes.  I have been using them for creating steam when baking French bread.  So, today is the first time using them for the original purpose.


The result was not good at all.  Since I was uncertain about not using a drop of water, I added 100cc water before I turned the gas heat on.  The potatoes turned out to be wet, whereas I like dry potatoes.  Perhaps next time, I will be more bold.