
ヒガンバナなど Lycoris, etc


The lycoris flower season has started and I see lots of them blooming in my neighbourhood.  Mine also started to come out, but not very many this year.  I think I try to grow too many plants in a very limited space, with the result that many of the plants become weaker every year, be they flowers or fruit trees.

My favourite red lycoris- the flowers are getting fewer every year.  I must start clearing the weeds and pots so that this flower feels wanted in my garden.
Lycoris radiata


As we were taking a walk this morning, I saw a tree with pretty flowers.  The out of season flowers are concentrated on a small branch of the tree but eye-catching enough.

I have seen this plant in the shop many times but they were always small, standing about 25cm, flowering in tiny pots.  I never knew they could grow this large.  I think this plant basically is meant for the enjoyment of the silver leaves, but to me the flowers are also very pretty.