
ハンザなど Hansa etc


The rosa rugosa 'Hansa' which arrived a few months ago is flowering for the second time.  The plant is now easily twice the original height.

The shape of the flower may not be perfect, but it is summer blooming and cannot be helped.

This is another Hansa, planted at the edge of the garden.  The leaves are sunburnt due to the strong sun.

The European cornelian cherry 'Kazanlak' has grown well.  It exceeded my height at one point, at which time I cut it back to about 70cm.  The cornelian cherry is said to be a slow grower and I wanted to see how it would perform when planted in the ground, which was a mistake.  As the energy was spent in growing tall, I cannot find a single flower bud for next spring - the buds are all for leaves.

タイガが「ここ掘れ」をやってくれました。昨日の朝起きたとき、タイガが階段の踊り場でうずくまってジッと私の目を見つめていたので、イヤな予感はしましたが、キッチンへ入ってその原因が判明。冷蔵庫の真ん前に山盛りウンコ! 何でわざわざいつも冷蔵庫の前にするのか? もしかして、小の用をガマンしているのでは、と思い外に出しておいたら穴堀りされていました。10年間一緒に暮らしても未だに私は理解できていません。暑いし蚊がいるので、まだ穴埋めをしていません。
Taiga digging a hole, to hide what?  She had done her business (poop) right in front of my refrigerator during the night!  I let her out while I was cleaning up the mess just in case she was holding back her urine, and this was the result.  After living together for 10 years, I still do not understand her.

The culprit