This morning, Taiga wanted to walk through the residential area, instead of going to the park. We passed the site where they are building a new bridge.
航空写真もあるので目を凝らして自宅を探しましたが、あまりにうちの建物が小さいせいか判別できませんでした。アバウトで言えば赤い〇のあたり。写真右下に示されている環七の交差点あたりに、乳製品目あてに行くスーパーがあります。3年くらい前までは黄色で示されている真っ直ぐな道がなかったので、住宅街をくねくね縫いながら自転車で坂を上っていくのは負担でした。今はこの黄色の道をまっしぐらなので、かなり気軽に行けるようになりました。They have had this display explaining what they intend to do for years, and I have tried to spot my own house but my house is too small to be identified. I should be somewhere within the red circle that I put on the photo.
After walking along the river, we came to the usual point where we turn left.
ここの目の前には高稲荷神社があって、毎年春に区が狂犬病予防接種の会場を開くところです。Nearby, there was a house with fish tanks in front of the garden.
The gold fish are so huge. When you walk by at night, the tanks are lit up and the fish look really beautiful.
As Taiga's face was getting too close to the tank, a huge fish jumped hitting the ceiling - now I understand why they have the water bottles. Taiga was startled by the fish's warning and jumped back.
As we continued our walk, a gentle Shiba Inu came walking towards us. According to the owners she is also 10 years old, and was born a few months earlier than Taiga.
They are both so calm and gentle even though this is the first time meeting each other.
The young couple did not know Taiga's breed but complimented on Taiga's shiny coat.
This variety is mainly ornamental - the flesh is dry and does not taste good. However, when these fruits grow huge and yellow, it is a spectacle to see.
The area I live in is called Sakuradai, and "dai" means hills. So, we have lots of steep slopes like this and, thanks to walking with Taiga, I have got used to them. Having spotted red flowers, we went up to check.
This is a perennial plant belonging to the hibiscus family, and was introduced from the US. I used to grow this myself, before I got into growing fruit trees. They are beautiful but take up a lot of space.
As we went along further, there was a tangerine orange tree next to a house.