
ローガンベリー試し採り Loganberry


It has not rained for the last 2 days and Waimate berries are turning red.

Waimate, when fully ripe, should have a tinge of purple, so these beautiful red berries are not yet ready for harvesting.

Nevertheless, I decided to try this one, being impatient - after all, this is the first year of fruiting and I am dying to know how it tastes.

When I opened the door with the berry in my hand, Taiga thought it was a treat for her because I was beaming from ear to ear.

その大事な1個。果長を測ると3cm+ ありました。
Lengthwise, it measured a little over 3cm.  It really resembles Tayberry.

The sugar content was 12.8% which is quite high for a berry.  I am looking forward to picking them as they ripen over the next several weeks.  The good thing is, they come into season before the stink bug appears.