
公園で At the park


The forecast max. temperature for today was 21℃, and the morning air was already as warm that of May, when we headed for the park.

The Magnolia kobus trees in the park have started to bloom.

The flowers are very large for Magnolia kobus, almost as large as those of real magnolia.  However, magnolias do not flower for at least another month.  On the other hand, these trees in the park do not flower facing the north as do the wild Magnolia kobus trees in the mountain.  So, these trees may be an improved variety for the garden and parks.

Camelia trees also in full bloom.


The Japanese cornel tree in full bloom.  I tried a fruit off this tree in December last year and it tasted very sweet and pleasant, with no bitterness at all.  Perhaps if you wait until the fruit becomes soft and a little creased on the surface, it becomes quite tasty.

Taiga has got into the habit of resting when we are nearly home, with only about 15 metres left -  probably she wants to prolong the walk.  This spot is always in the shade and it was a welcome break for me, too.

However with the word "Treat", she sprang to her feet.

Now she is eager to reach home.

The seedling of a golden Christmas rose plant is looking at its best today.  The flower became larger as it progressed.

Taiga thought I was too absorbed in the observation of the plants and she came closer to me for attention.  She is a very patient creature and she speaks to me with her silent look.

She will be 10 years old soon.  Having lived together for so long, she probably thinks that she has trained me to her liking.

きな粉カップケーキ Kinako Cup Cakes


Kinako, roasted soybean flour, is a traditional and very popular superfood in Japan.  When you halve the baked cup cake in half, the aroma of roasted soybeans is inviting.


公園で At the park


For the morning walk, Taiga alternates the park and the residential area which is opposite to the direction of the park.  Today, it was the park day.  As we were walking through the wooded area,

we met a new face - a 2-year old Shelty, named Raito.  From his attire, obviously a boy.

In spite of the age difference, Raito was not too shy to greet Taiga.

Doggy clothes are made so well that it is like looking at a human child.


My Christmas roses are starting to bloom.  The tiny yellow plant in the back is a seedling, flowering for the first time this year after several years' waiting.  About 10 years ago, I was obsessed with gold Christmas roses and bought more than a dozen of them.  They all disappeared within 2 years.  However, several years ago, I noticed a tiny seedling coming out of the soil and it grew very slowly without any flowers until now.

This red flower plant came from the same grower who was famous for developing gold Christmas roses, and the only one I bought from him that was not gold.  Ironically, this is the only survivor.

This is the seedling, flowering for the first time this year.  The petals are tinged with green colour, so I wouldn't call this a gold Christmas rose.  Nevertheless, for a seedling, this is not an ugly flower.  Moreover, this plant was tough enough to grow up without my caring for it.  So, this will stay in my garden.

Taiga relaxing on her cushion.  My new favourite habit is to drink a mug of coffee sitting near her and looking at the fruit trees in the garden.

She will be 10 years old in 2 months.

白いちぎりパン White Pull-Apart Bread


Very light buns that are perfect with any type of meal.


河津桜開花 Early flowering Sakura in bloom


As we were leaving for a morning walk, Ume, a female Kishu-ken, happened to pass by on her way home.  She lives only about 30 meters away so we walked her home.

When we were passing by the building belonging to a tennis club, I noticed a cherry tree in bloom.

The parking area is always open so I went in.  It was the early flowering variety called Kouzu Sakura.  Looking at the tree, I laughed - the gardener pruned the branches as if it were a fruit tree.

Thanks to the special pruning, the flowers are very dense.

If this were a plum tree, you could expect a huge harvest.

リンゴ苗 New apple plants


These new apple plants were delivered some days ago but I am uploading the pictures only now, for the sake of record.

Granny Smith on the left, and Kurenai No Yume on the right.  The latter is a red-flesh variety.  Each of these is grafted onto a dwarf variety (a middle stock), which in turn is grafted onto a root stock (flowering crab apple).   The part indicated by either green or red is Granny Smith or Kurenai No Yume.  As you can see, Granny Smith was too long so I trimmed it to about 40cm when I planted it in the pot.

The roots were decent.

Taiga loves to sit in front of the porch door so that she could see the world go by.  She now has a cushion and I have had complaints from Taiga's fans.  According to them, Taiga used to come rushing to the gate when they called her name as they passed by but, now that she has the cushion, she does not bother to move.

She refuses to come inside and remains here until the time of evening walk.



I have another apple plant - a Japanese crab apple.  I am hoping this might become a pollinator for other varieties.

Just under 4 cm long.

The sugar content was 13.8% - not bad at all.


ベークトチーズケーキのようなヨーグルトケーキ Yogurt cake that tastes like a baked cheesecake


I mixed 2 table spoons of yogurt into double cream and left it overnight, which turned into something like soft cheese, but much more solid than mascarpone.  Using this stuff, I baked a cake which turn out to be just like a baked cheese cake.


サケとホタテのテリーヌ Salmon and Scallop Terrine


I made individual terrine with salmon and baby scallops.  The passion fruit sauce was made with the fruit harvested for the last time from the plant that I grew last summer.  The plant has not died yet on the balcony, but I am clearing the scaffold to get ready for the new plant that I made from a cutting.


りんごパイ Apple Pie


We are coming to the end of cooking apple season now, so I made apple pies while I could.  The variety I used was introduced to Japan from the US more than a hundred years ago and, in spite of all the dessert apples developed in Japan since then, this variety has survived. 


コーヒーパンとパッションフルーツクリーム Coffee Buns with Passion Fruit Cream

この寒さでも2階バルコニーのパッションフルーツの実が完熟へと成長しています。せっかくなのでコーヒーパンとの組み合わせに利用。 果実は、去年の夏に全て収穫したあと9月に咲いた花からのものなので、半年で2度目の収穫。

I made coffee buns with instant coffee and sandwiched the cream made with passion fruit juice.  The passion fruit plant is still alive on my balcony and fruits are becoming ripe.  This is the second harvest after the fruits of last summer.


オレンジケーキ Orange Cake


I used the Minneola oranges to make this cake.  When you slice the oranges to about 2mm thickness and then microwave them with sugar, there is hardly any bitterness in the peel.  This is very different from that of blood oranges.


イチゴムースのミルフィーユ Millefeuille with Strawberry Mousse

パフペイストリー、デニッシュ、クロワッサンの生地は、バターの洪水がおこる夏には絶対扱えない代物ですが、 冬は室温でもバターが石のように固くなるので違う意味で難しいです。でも、地元スーパーが目玉商品として真っ赤に熟したイチゴを売っていたのを見て、ミルフィーユを連想してしまいました。フィリングはカスタードではなく、台所が極寒なのを逆手にとって、ムースを挟みました(夏には絶対ムリ)。

I saw beautiful strawberries in the shop and thought of making millefeuille with strawberry mousse, instead of sandwiching custard cream.


ライ麦粉とクルミのラウンドパン Round brad with Rye and Walnuts


Very flavourful bread with rye flour and chopped walnuts.  It can be enjoyed as a savoury snack as well as with sweet spread.


ビルベリーソースのミニケーキ Mini Cakes with Bilberry Sauce


I made mini cakes with bilberry sauce topping.  The sharp taste of bilberry is very nice and goes well with the sponge as well as the cream.


チキンとキノコのグラタン Chicken and Mushroom Gratin


Gratin with chicken breast and mushrooms wrapped in ham and crepe.


抹茶ロールケーキ Matcha Rolled Cake



チョコレート・ロールケーキ Chocolate Rolled Cake


I made a rolled cake with chocolate cream in the middle, which turned out to be a big mistake in this freezing climate.  It solidified so hard that I could barely cut a slice.  However, I warmed a slice in the oven by using the fermentation function.  This slice tasted very decadent with the rum flavour coming out fully.