
正月用の花 Flowers for the New Year


I am in the middle of the 'big clean' ahead of the New Year.  This is customary in Japan and I cannot welcome the New Year without doing it however I hate cleaning the house.  After scrubbing the tiles and walls of the gate and the porch yesterday, I placed the  pink winter chrysanthemum that I bought for the coming festive season.

This plant should be in full bloom over the New Year period.

After the unusually hard work with the cleaning yesterday, I went to the JA this morning to look at the flowers.  I was particularly interested in the orchid I saw several days ago.  It was still there, although its siblings had disappeared from the shelf.  This is a miniature version of the normal cymbidium, called 'table cymbidium' for its size.  However, before I picked it up,

I also saw these normal sized ones, which are quite large.  One of them, the one in the back, particularly caught my eyes.

The other two plants had only 2 flower stems each, but this one has 2 stems with open flowers and, in addition, it has 2 stems with firm flower buds yet to open.  The three plants were all priced at 2,000 yen.  Considering everything, this plant seemed such a good value.  Also, compared with the 'table' one priced at 2,500 yen with only 1 flower stem, this with 4 flower stems would provide me with flowers to the end of March next year.  (The flowers of cymbidium can easily last a few months in winter.)

So, I came home with this one.

As already mentioned, this plant has two stems with flower buds: one is obvious in the picture, and the other one is growing at the back of the plant.

Before I took the plant into the house, I placed the pot in a bucket full of water.  According to the expert on YouTube, this way of watering is recommended for cymbidium.  During the winter months, do this once a week.

After 1/2 hour, I took the pot into the living room.

Well, this plant may be a bit on the large side, but the 'table' version would have been obscured in the same spot.