
我が家のモミジの紅葉 Maple plant at home


I was so impressed with the Japanese maple tree with red leaves in the Johoku Central Park, so I bought a tiny plant in spring this year.  


as at 25th April 2021


The plant grew a little during the summer.  Although currently the red hue is not as brilliant as it was in the spring, it is till very pretty.

The plant being so small, it was buried among summer weeds and some of the leaves got bruises.
Even the twigs are red.

I grew this from a 10cm cutting that I got at the Johoku Park when they were trimming the gardenia hedge last year.  It had just one flower this year and the seed pod is now red and mature.  It looks nice against the green leaves.

I saw Yukiya, my neighbour's male Pekinese, when we were coming home.
He is not interested in dogs but he is very friendly towards people.