
朝散歩 Morning Walk


One of the European horse chestnut trees in the park near the Persimmon Park.  This tree gets covered with beautiful white flowers in early summer.


Another hot morning, so Taiga took refuge in the shade.

Lots of horse chestnuts on the ground.  The chestnuts out of the shells look similar to sweet chestnuts but I was told in England that they were toxic.  However, Japanese horse chestnuts are used to make 'mochi' sweets, by removing the toxicity beforehand.

The solitary persimmon tree in the Persimmon Park.  This park used to be a part of a large garden belonging to an old farming family, and this persimmon variety is old and not so popular any more.

Persimmon trees tend to alternate in terms of bumper years and poor harvest years, but this tree is a constant producer.  When the fruits become overripe on the tree, a flock of Indian Ringnecks come and feast on them.

This variety is partially astringent so humans are not interested in the fruits but good enough for wild birds.

Taiga enjoying the shade and the grass to roll on.

A dry stalk on her forehead.

When she got up, her tail was down indicating that she was already tired.  So, we headed home leisurely.