
皇帝ナツメ Jujube fruits


The Emperor jujube fruits are turning into mature colour gradually.  I cannot help looking at them every day to observe their progress.

The strange feeling I always get when gazing at fruits on trees: they look much bigger than they actually are when looked at from afar (say, 2 meters away).  So, when I actually hold the fruit in my hand, it is disappointingly small.

Of the 10 fruits left on the tree, the one on the right in this photo is ahead of others in ripening.  The red colour area is growing day by day.

The red area currently occupies about 1/3 of the fruit.  When it becomes about 50% of the fruit, it should be the optimal stage for tasting, in terms of retaining the juiciness on the one hand, and the sweetness on the other.  Hopefully, that stage will arrive within the next few days.  Ideally, the fruit should become red under the strong autumnal sun light, but we have typhoons one after another this year.  Luckly, I have 10 of them to go through, so, the sun should be back sooner or later.