
朝散歩 Morning Walk


We went to the Johoku Central Park this morning, entering the park from another direction where there was an avenue of trees with shades.

Already mid-September, but still hot and humid.  Reflecting this, the clouds in the sky are those typical of mid-summer.

Looking at the photos, it may seem cool and comfortable, but the reality for me is that I am sweating constantly.  The only thing I can do is to stay calm emotionally and make as little movement as possible.

Taiga's fur sparkling in the sun.

Even when she does what a dog wants to do on a cool grass only a few days after her shampoo, I try to remain calm so as not to perspire more than I can help.

We had a rest in the shade where there was tap water for Taiga.


A new face we met after leaving the park.  A 9-year old Shi Tzu girl, named Momo.

She likes people but not other dogs, so she kept a distance from Taiga.