
公園で At the park


I gave Taiga a thorough shampoo this afternoon and went out for drying in the natural air since the weather was dry and warm.  At the park, we saw Riki, a 10-year old male Shiba Inu, being brushed by his mom.

He has such a sweet smile.

As we were walking further, I saw Omochi, a female Shiba Inu, coming down the stairs.  We had not seen her since spring this year.

Taiga's attention is diverted to another individual, even though Omochi was right behind her.

A new face - he looked like a Border Collie.  However, he was extremely timid and left in a hurry with his tail tucked between his legs.

Omochi looking a little disappointed with Taiga's reaction.

Omochi started enjoying herself on the grass nearby.  The last time we met her, she had been suffering some sort of skin discomfort, with patches of pink skin exposed in several places.  Looking at her depressed demeanour then, it seemed there was something fundamentally wrong with her.  After consulting with the doctor, she has been on a medication and now she is very vivacious with bright eyes, and her coat is perfectly thick and white just like her namesake, mochi (rice cake).

Having enjoyed her 'grass bath' in front of Taiga,

Omochi started a chase, inviting Taiga to join in.  Some months ago, in her depressed state, she tended to sit apart from the group of dogs who were in her circle of friends.  It is so nice to see her old happy self.

Omochi is 4-5 years younger than Taiga, but now the way they play with each other brings back the memories of pre-Covid days.

After leaving the park and when we were nearly home, we met Leah, the female German Pinscher of my neighbour.  Since I had interacted with several dogs in the park, she started smelling my trousers.  It was as if she was checking to see if I had been unfaithful.

Leah is still about 2 years old, but she had put on some weight since I saw her last.  If someone told me that she was a smallish Dobermann Pinscher, I would easily believe it.

Taiga greeting Lear's mom.

Is Leah getting jealous?

As if to say that she ranked above Taiga, Lear started to put her head over Taiga's muzzle.

Taiga has never bothered about ranking among dogs, so she does not get upset even when Leah places her head over Taiga's whole face.