
午後散歩 Afternoon Walk


As I was passing through the porch area a few times in order to do things upstairs and downstairs, I felt a silent pressure coming from Taiga who was getting bored.  She never makes a whining sound or bark but her message comes through.

Since the sky cleared after it rained all night, I took her out for an extra walk.  (Normally, she gets an hour's walk each in the morning and evening, and a short pee walk at about 1 p.m. and at midnight.)  

We walked towards a place where I had wanting to visit for some time.

There is a parking lot where a house used to stand.  At the back, among other tall trees, there is an apple tree.

This apple tree has been growing there in spite of extremely hot summers in Tokyo, and without being properly cared for as a fruit bearing tree.  Nevertheless, a lot of apples grow on it every year.  I wanted to see how the fruits were this time of the year, since I never come this far when it is too hot.  As it happened, most of them had already fallen to the ground with no-one to harvest them.

Based on the fact that all the fruits, be they on the tree or on the ground, were green, as well as the fact that the shape of the fruits were flat, I think they are cooking apples.  This variety must be very tough for the tree to survive in this harsh condition with hard soil and being surrounded by other trees.

On our way home, Taiga suddenly froze - she had spotted a cat in a side alley.

With round cheeks, I think it is a male feral cat.  He had a menacing aura and growling even from the distance.

At the entrance of the parking lot of the JA (farmers' co-op), I left Taiga tied to a metal pole.  In the fruit tree section, I saw a type of crab apple tree called 'Alps Otome' which is a very popular variety in Japan for its compact growth habit.

It always makes me wonder how the grower manages to make potted plants like these.  The fruits are perfectly beautiful.  I had to resist the temptation to get the plant.  However, a neighbour of mine has promised to give me a scion of this variety in winter, which I intend to graft onto one of my trees.

There were also some flowers that I like but they are not easy to look after during winter months.


I returned to Taiga with no purchases.  She always waits for me patiently and quietly.

She began to smile as I approached her, probably expecting a treat?  By leaving my bags on the pole, people passing by can tell that she is not an abandoned dog.