
公園で At the park


Autumn is arriving slowly but surely.  The 'Japanese clover' (or, 'bush clover') has started to flower.  This plant has very modest looking blossoms but they are loved in this country and they appear in silk screen paintings of more than a thousand years ago.

Next to the Japanese clover bush is Hibiscus mutabilis (or, 'confederate rose') tree that is starting to flower.  Its flowering season lasts up to mid-November, so this is a useful tree to have in a park.  Both this and the Japanese clover will be cut down to the ground in winter, and they start growing vigorously in early summer the following year.

Taiga has enjoyed her usual 'bath' rolling on the cool grass.  When I wanted to go home, she planted herself on the ground and would not budge.  In the photo, I can see her heavy eyelash over her right eye - wish I had eyelashes like hers.

As I pointed the camera at her, she crouched down, fully intending to stay there longer.

She may be old at 11 years old, but she is just as endearing as she was as a puppy.
Every time I tried to finish, she indicated to me that it was not enough.

On our way home, I noticed the red spider lily along the river.  Its Japanese name, Higanbana means the 'autumnal equinox flower' and it is always very punctual.

However, I could not remember seeing this flower in my garden this year yet.