
ナツメ他 Jujube etc



The colour of the jujube fruits is getting paler.  I tried one of them recently, and it was already sweet.  So I had another one which was also sweet.  However, the flesh was still green and there was hardly any moisture in it.  
After that, currently 10 young fruits are left.  Even with 10, I think the burden is too heavy for a new plant which must have started as a one-year grafted tree earlier this year.  I am amazed how the nursery managed to grow the plant to that state when it was delivered to me at the end of May.  I am so grateful to the shop.

The Chinese chive that I keep in a pot.  This variety is much smaller than the common type and the flavour is very delicate.  Like the normal type, I can harvest the leaves several times through the year, including during winter.  However, it is getting flowers for the first time and I am watching if this is going to be the end of it, after producing seeds.

Another excruciatingly hot day today.  I made a new batch of treat for Taiga with chicken breast.  The sun is so strong that, after I hung these in the morning, they were dry and ready for use by the evening.  By making these at home, it is cheap and safe without using any preservatives.

Taiga enjoying the cool of the porch tiles.  When I pass nearby, she lifts her head up, all the time with her back towards me, but putting a silent pressure on me to say "walk?".  So long as it is not the time, I pretend not to have seen it.