
朝散歩 Morning Walk


Taiga wanted to walk through the neighbourhood this morning.  We headed towards the 6-chome district (we live in 3-chome).  We had a light rain and wind during the night, and an old gentleman was clearing the street in front of his house (we clean the street ourselves, instead of relying on the local government).

I love walking this part of 6-chome - it has a nostalgic atmosphere and very relaxing.

As we turned into to a wider and livelier street, I saw a house with countless pots of rose cuttings.  Since it is not the flowering season, I could not tell whether they were pretty or not, but the owner of the house must be very fond of roses.

More pots in front of the porch.

Several meters ahead, we came to the house with goldfish tanks.  The number of fish seems to have gone down and, thanks to that, the fish were swimming more freely.

I could go on watching the smooth, mesmerising movements of the fish for hours.

However, the sky was threatening, so we started to head home.

We came to a house in my 3-chome, where they had 2 pots of apple trees.  Last time I passed, I was worried that one of the trees was looking sorry in the summer heat.  This morning, my worry was confirmed.  It was completely dry.

What a pity!  Both of these trees are grafted on a dwarf middle stock which, in turn, is grafted on a regular root stock.  In the picture below, the tree trunk between the red circles is the dwarf stock, below which is the normal root stock.  The part above the dwarf stock is the particular variety of apple that the owner wanted to grow.  I cannot tell why the plant in the back has gone dead - whether due to the extreme summer heat or the pot has become too small (looks only 27cm diameter).

I would love to know the variety of this surviving tree, but I have never seen anyone coming out of this house.

The fruit is small like a crab apple, but I think it is because of the way it is looked after.  To use the dwarf stock, the variety must be something special, like my red-fleshed apple tree which is one of the latest varieties.


Having walked a lot, Taiga deserved a treat before going home.


十五夜など Mid-autumn moon etc


At the time of our morning walk, it was still cloudy and very humid.

For Taiga, the weather is of no importance and she thoroughly enjoyed the grass bath.  When she stretches her legs, she looks like a dried wild game.

Too muggy, so let's go home.

Today is the 15th August according to the old calendar, and it is the mid-autumn festival day when we appreciate the full moon.  One of the edible chrysanthemums I grow is called "Jugoya" which means the mid-autumn full moon night.  Unfortunately, I did not manage to grow the plant ready for flowering for the mid-autumn (I had to keep cutting back the branches in order for to make the plant bushy).  Flower buds have only started to come out now and its flowering season will be the same as other chrysanthemums, i.e., late October.  

I am treating this plant as ornamental, and it will stay outside of the fence for passers-by to look at.

Taiga patiently waiting for me to give her a go-ahead to come out of the gate.

The sky cleared up after morning and we could expect to see a full moon tonight.  I did not have the time to make sweets for the occasion, so I bought a kind of mochi with sweet bean paste inside.  Although I could not use Jugoya flowers as a garnish, I cut a small branch to add a colour.

For sure, we had a clear sky in the evening and the full mid-autumn moon (Jugoya).  Unfortunately, the air was humid, so the moon looks a little blurred (also due to the quality of my camera app).

Watching the moon from my upstairs balcony, neighbours' roofs are unavoidable.


朝散歩 Morning Walk


It rained heavily through the night and the sky was overcast this morning with occasional light rain.  Since the air was cool and pleasant for the first time in months, we crossed the river and walked a district where we had not been during the summer months.  This area is more upscale compared to the district I live in, with broader streets and larger houses with spacious gardens.  (In contrast, where I live, there is a 'sento' [bath house] still surviving and, moreover, we have the JA [farmers' co-op].)

This is the largest house in this area, which stands on top of the hill.  However, what I admire is not the big house,

but the farming space attached to the garden.  Every time I pass by, I think of all the fruit trees I would love to grow.

After walking along the highest points of the hill, we came down towards the Shakujii River which separates this area and Sakuradai area where I live.  

At the bottom of the hill, there is a small farmland which is kept for a hobby purpose.  The owner comes to this plot in his passenger car on weekends and public holidays. 


ナツメ他 Jujube etc



The colour of the jujube fruits is getting paler.  I tried one of them recently, and it was already sweet.  So I had another one which was also sweet.  However, the flesh was still green and there was hardly any moisture in it.  
After that, currently 10 young fruits are left.  Even with 10, I think the burden is too heavy for a new plant which must have started as a one-year grafted tree earlier this year.  I am amazed how the nursery managed to grow the plant to that state when it was delivered to me at the end of May.  I am so grateful to the shop.

The Chinese chive that I keep in a pot.  This variety is much smaller than the common type and the flavour is very delicate.  Like the normal type, I can harvest the leaves several times through the year, including during winter.  However, it is getting flowers for the first time and I am watching if this is going to be the end of it, after producing seeds.

Another excruciatingly hot day today.  I made a new batch of treat for Taiga with chicken breast.  The sun is so strong that, after I hung these in the morning, they were dry and ready for use by the evening.  By making these at home, it is cheap and safe without using any preservatives.

Taiga enjoying the cool of the porch tiles.  When I pass nearby, she lifts her head up, all the time with her back towards me, but putting a silent pressure on me to say "walk?".  So long as it is not the time, I pretend not to have seen it.


朝散歩 Morning Walk


One of the European horse chestnut trees in the park near the Persimmon Park.  This tree gets covered with beautiful white flowers in early summer.


Another hot morning, so Taiga took refuge in the shade.

Lots of horse chestnuts on the ground.  The chestnuts out of the shells look similar to sweet chestnuts but I was told in England that they were toxic.  However, Japanese horse chestnuts are used to make 'mochi' sweets, by removing the toxicity beforehand.

The solitary persimmon tree in the Persimmon Park.  This park used to be a part of a large garden belonging to an old farming family, and this persimmon variety is old and not so popular any more.

Persimmon trees tend to alternate in terms of bumper years and poor harvest years, but this tree is a constant producer.  When the fruits become overripe on the tree, a flock of Indian Ringnecks come and feast on them.

This variety is partially astringent so humans are not interested in the fruits but good enough for wild birds.

Taiga enjoying the shade and the grass to roll on.

A dry stalk on her forehead.

When she got up, her tail was down indicating that she was already tired.  So, we headed home leisurely.


朝散歩 Morning Walk


Another hot and humid morning, and we went to Moroyama Park this morning.  As I walked, sweat was stinging my skin.  It is probably because I take at least 2 showers a day during summer and my skin is covered with tiny scratches.  Under the circumstance, all I can do is to minimise my movements as I walk and try to remain calm emotionally, thereby limiting the amount of perspiration.

When we reached the top of the hill, we found the grass was uncut and long.

Even for a medium-sized dog like Taiga, it was difficult to move about among the tall grass.  So, she kept jumping like a fox.  At least, she was in high spirits.