'Joan Squire' suffers from delicate canes. This one was broken in a rain storm.
Most of the berries are still green.
The cane snapped at more than 50cm above the ground. If I remove the broken part, I can expect new branches to come out which will produce autumn fruits.
でも、この暑い時期はアイスクリームなどの用途がいくらでもあるので、夏果を選択ました。ほとんど皮ひとつで養分が供給されているような状態ですが、即効性のある液肥で何とか完熟を目指します。But I opted for the existing summer fruit, as I could use them for many purposes in this hot weather.
Today's harvest of Joan Squire, together with the last 2 berries of Osage.
Yuzu with 3 fruits.