After shampooing Taiga in the afternoon, I took her out to get her dry naturally.
Went up to the top of Moroyama Park where there was Taiga's favourite bench for a treat.
Arrived at Johoku Park, and resting in the cool woodland.
Moved to the field across the road, where we ran into a new face.
A 4-month old, male miniature Shiba Inu puppy named "Beau".
ワンコを見ても人を見ても嬉しくて、嬉しくて、じっとしていられない様子ですが、一切声を出さずに走り回っています。子犬は生後4か月頃から恐怖心・警戒心が芽生えるそうですが、この子は天真爛漫でタイガの子供時代を思い出させます。Beau is very curious. His owner told me that he had been told off by other mature dogs for being too excited.
Taiga, at 7 years old, is not interested in an over-excited puppy, but never scolds him.
Since Beau seems in need of playmates under 2 years old, I told the owner about the meeting in this field every evening, when several Shiba Inus gather, all of them less than 2 years old.
Hope you will make friends with lots of them.
Resting at the table next to the field, before heading home - another excuse for a treat.
A white Labrador approached us. Male, 7 years old, named Gil (short for Gilbert?).