
ローガンベリー苗 Loganberry plant


Loganberry: Waimate, developed in New Zealand




The New Zealand HortResearch Inc. program was one of the most valuable and aggressive programs in the 1980s and 1990s as it developed “Boysenberry-like” cultivars and developed the ‘Lincoln Logan’ source of spinelessness (SfL) (Hall et al. 1986a; Hall et al. 1986b; Hall et al. 1986c; Hall et al. 2002).
‘Ranui’, ‘Waimate’, ‘Karaka Black’, and ‘Marahau’ have been the notable recent releases from this program (Clark and Finn 2002; Hall et al. 2003; Hall and Stephens 1999).
Source: Genetics, Genomics and Breeding in Fruit and Vegetable Crops- Berries  Ed. K.Folta,  'Chapter X: Rubus'

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Loganberry 500「LOGANBERRY WAIMATE」の画像検索結果