
ナツメ苗到着 New jujube plant

去年の春に買ったコーネリアンチェリーの「カザンラク」は、晩秋の落葉期までは庭の半日陰で地植えにしておいたらビュンビュン上へ伸びたので、地上70cmほどでカットして鉢上げしました。その鉢植えを今まで南向きバルコニーに置いていたら、最近の強烈な日差しのせいか葉っぱが焼けてきました。その場所は夏のあいだ早朝から夕方まで陽当たりなので、コーネリアンチェリーの栽培条件の'full sun' にぴったり、と思っていたのですが日本の夏は暑すぎかも。ということで、今日からは庭へ下します。

The leaves of cornelian cherry 'Kazanlak' have started to go brown probably due to the extreme heat and sun of the Japanese summer.  I have been keeping this plant on the upstairs balcony which faces south and gets direct sunlight from early morning to late afternoon during summer months.  I thought this would satisfy the 'full sun' requirement of the cornelian cherry.  

Now that I am worried about the browning of the leaves, I brought it down to the garden this morning.  This plant will stay in the half shade for the rest of this year, as it did during last year.  

I am not sure whether this plant is ready to produce flower buds for next year.  When I look at the base of each leaf, I can see two buds - a fat and round one, and a pointed and thin one.  Based on my observation so far, the round one houses future twig.  Does that mean that the sharp and thin one contains next year's flower buds?  I am not so sure, since I have always thought that a fat node gives you future flower buds.  In any case, I will be able to tell within the next few months.

For the spot that was vacated by Kazanlak, I had already ordered a jujube plant which arrived this afternoon.  
That particular spot on the balcony becomes like a desert in the summer and only jujube plants can comfortably live, with the exception, perhaps, of passion fruits and sweet potato plants.

It is just common Japanese jujube.

It was the hottest day of the year so far, with the max. temperature reaching 38℃, the worst day to plant such a large tree, you could say.  So, I soaked the plant in a bucket of water for an hour before planting.

I used the complementary fertiliser, too, when potting.

I used the 36cm diameter pot.  It would have been too heavy for me to carry it upstairs if I had put all the soil into it.  Instead, I carried the remaining soil in a bucket to fill the pot on the balcony.

Done.  The one in front is the new tree, whereas the one in the back is the known variety jujube that I got several weeks ago.  When it first arrived, I thought it was a large plant but, standing next to today's new arrival, it looks like a baby tree.

With the bushy appearance, this plant would have looked nice in a large garden to add a wild atmosphere.


Some young fruits are growing.  Since this is a common jujube tree, the fruits will be small but I am so looking forward to tasting them in autumn.