
パンザオ棗その後 Panzao jujube


I have decided to encourage the new shoot to grow into an alternative tree trunk, rather than remove it and continue to hope that the existing tree trunk would come alive.  Truth be told, I have only about 5 months left for this year, since jujube trees come out of dormancy late in spring and yet go into dormancy earlier than other plants.  


The new shoot has been growing since I first noticed it last week.

梨ナツメ(Li jujube)は米国では人気の品種で、梨棗の改良品種である山西梨棗(Shansi Li jujube)とともに苗が広く流通しているよう。Youtube の映像では「Li には狂暴なトゲがある」と言ってカメラの焦点を当てている人たちがいます。
Spikes are becoming visible.  According to a sight in China (translated into English), the Panzao was discovered as a bud mutant around 2012, in a farm growing Li jujube trees in Shanxi Province.  After repeating the process of selection, they established this new variety.
According to some US videos on Youtube, the Li variety has vicious spikes.  Then, it would not be surprising if Panzao also got spikes.  I think I can manage the spikes by snipping them just as I do with my Yuzu plant.

The shape of the large leaf is so different from the common Japanese jujube leaves'.

先日届いた「皇帝」ナツメは、3本のうち一番上に位置する枝がもう10 cm近く伸びています。日差しがカンカン照りの日でも枝の先っちょがクタッとならないので、根っこが植え付けのショックから回復したようです。
この苗のトゲは容易に管理可能だと思います。新梢の根元には3-4ミリの赤いトゲらしきものがあったのですが、指の腹で簡単に取り除くことができました。苗の下の方のには木質化したトゲがありましたが、これらは1 cmくらいの短いもので、全てハサミで除去しました。
The new jujube plant that I got recently has been doing exceptionally well.  The tips of new branches stay firm even on a sunny and hot day, which suggests that the roots have completely recovered from the shock of replanting.
With this plant, spikes seem so small and manageable.  I noticed thorns of 3-4 mm at the base of new branches.  When I rubbed them with the flat of my fingers, they easily fell off.  Lower down the plant, I saw old spikes but they were only about 1 cm long which I removed with a pair of pruning scissors.

Flower buds have started to open.