My next door neighbour gave me these persimmon fruits from her garden. The tree is an old one, probably planted by her late parents, and I think it is a variety called "Girou". The fruit is extremely sweet, with very firm flesh. Also, the square shape of the fruit is suggestive of Girou.
Having cut one fruit into halves, I tested the sugar content - 33.8% from the top half of the fruit, and
32.0% from the bottom half. In both cases, I tested the outer part of the fruit (close to the skin), where it was sweeter benefitting from the sun.
Since I was born and brought up in a village near a mountain, I still have the habit of eating persimmons with the skin (people in Japan think it wild and uncouth, so they peal it with a knife before eating.).
A blogger friend told me that you can easily grow new plants with cuttings kept in a glass of water - just like mint cuttings. According to her, doing it in this cold weather prevents the cuttings from going rotten, so, there is no need to buy sand.
I would like to try that method with this one, after the flower has finished. Even if I fail, I have nothing to lose, since there is already at least one new bud coming out of the soil for next year.
And, I would like to try the same with this one, too.私の好みからは、この花の色は薄すぎなのですが、もしかしてちゃんと1輪咲きに育てたら少しは色が濃くなるかも、と来年に期待しています(「来年に期待」は、ガーディナーの口癖)。
Although the colour of this plant is too pale for my liking, perhaps, if I adhere to the rule and grow just one flower next year, the colour might be deeper.