Another beautiful morning with no cloud in the sky. It was warm and quiet in the park - it being a weekday, the park was almost deserted. The fruits on the persimmon tree (the tree in the centre of the photo) are getting ripe.
This is an old variety, and the skin of the fruit does not get very red. However, wild birds have started to feast on the fruits, so they must be ripe.
When I first brought Taiga to this place, I tied her to this tree with the leash in order to take a photo. Now the tree is too large for the short leash, and I really feel the passage of time.
At the top of the stairs, we came to an opening. The view always reminds me of water-colour paintings, whatever the season.
Looking back down the woodland below, we saw no-one.
丘の上から、かつて毎夕方 群れで遊んだ草地があったところを眺めます。現在は洪水用の地下貯水池の建設中で殺伐とした風景。この工事は全部で15年以上もか かるそうなので、工事終了で草地に戻ってもタイガはもういなくなっています。
From the top of the hill, I looked over what used to be a field where we let our dogs play every evening. It is now under construction - an underground reservoir is being constructed which will take in flood water. The construction work will take more than 15 years to complete. By the time it is finished, and the grassland is restored, Taiga will not be there to see it.
On our way home, there was a Shishiyuzu tree. The tree was only about 180cm tall but it had a lot of fruits on it.
On our way home, there was a Shishiyuzu tree. The tree was only about 180cm tall but it had a lot of fruits on it.
Shishiyuzu is mainly for ornamental use.
At home, the pink aster has started to bloom. I bought it in early summer this year and it has grown vigorously. On the internet site, it was sold as a wild aster but, judging by the leaves and the growth habit, I do not think it is a Japanese wild aster. The blue flowers in the top righthand corner are one of the Japanese wild aster varieties I have. However, they are both very pretty and I will take care of them.