
秋の花たち Autumn Flowers


For this morning's walk, Taiga chose the residential area that lies on the other side of the Shakujii River.  The streets here look classier than where I live.  As we were walking, a cat deliberately crossed the path in front of us and disappeared through the wall.  Taiga immediately went to the spot where the cat disappeared - she simply cannot resist however many times she gets punched in the face.


A beautiful bush with purple flowers, growing by the side of a house.

I have seen this plant in the shop many times but they were always around 40 cm tall, growing in a tiny pot.  I never knew that it could grow to such a magnificent tree.
The leaves are fleshy and resemble those of sage.  I wonder what it smells like if I tore a leaf.


Back home, the edible chrysanthemum in front of my house is starting to flower.

This variety is a bud mutation of another, very popular edible chrysanthemum.  Those two varieties are most commonly sold in supermarkets for consumption.  They are both early flowering varieties and, since I have some more varieties to come, I can enjoy a long period of edible chrysanthemums.  This year, I am going to steam and dry them to make chrysanthemum tea.

Taiga invited me to play on the street, but I was too tired after the morning walk in the sun.

I have another pot (the one in front) of the same variety.  The person who sold the plant sent me more than it had been indicated on the internet site.

The wild aster with pink flowers (actually a cultivated variety for its pink flowers) is barely surviving.  It seems such a delicate variety.

It is in full sun but it probably does not like growing with other plants so close by.  Therefore, next year, I am going to put this in a large pot so that it will not have to compete with others.

My camera does not do justice to the flower - it is actually a beautiful pink.

I also have the common wild aster that you can find anywhere in Japan.  This particular one was growing in a tiny gap of asphalt and in full sun.  When I saw it 2 years ago, they were working on a new road and about to get rid of this plant altogether.  So, I asked one of the workers to save it for me.  This plant had huge flowers and lots of them, even though no-one looked after it.  Unfortunately, I planted this in a shade in my garden and the flowers have been sparse.  Next year, I am going to keep this in a large pot and in full sun.

The real colour of the flower is more lilac than in this photo.  In all, I have 3 varieties of Japanese wild asters: this common one, a deep-purple one (cultivated variety), and the pink one (cultivated variety).  I also bought another aster this summer, which the seller called 'Japanese wild aster'.  However, the leaves are wrong and its growth habit too vigorous - I think it is a foreign variety.  In any case, I am looking forward to seeing its flowers soon.