
柑橘試し採り Citrus fruit tasting


It was cloudy with chilly air this morning.  The ginkgo trees in the park were starting to turn yellow.

We walked through the woods without seeing anyone.

After coming home, I checked the fruits of the finger lime plant.  The thorns are so painful and I have half a mind to get rid of all the 4 plants I still have.  This one was cheep as a  seedling, with a catalogue saying "red fruits".  The other 3 plants with known variety names have never produced, even though they were expensive to buy.  Seeing this seedling plant producing fruits every year, I am hesitating now.

Tangerine variety called "Ishiji" with small, but very sweet, fruits.

Let's try one of each.

The finger lime must have been fully ripe, since the inside started to ooze out after I cut it in half.  Although the flesh is not "red" as promised, this green flesh is not too bad.

The Ishiji is very sweet with sugar content of 23.7%.  With no stones, this variety is really worth growing.

I picked some of the edible chrysanthemums last night.  After rinsing the flowers several times, I placed them in the net, thinking that the dry spell we have been having would be very effective.  However, it started to rain this morning - such is life.  The purpose of this exercise is to dry the flowers so that they can be used for tea and in medicinal cooking.  The flowers are rich in vitamin B1, E, etc, and have medicinal uses.

This net is very useful in drying delicate foodstuffs such as potato slices for frying.  I do have an electric food dryer, but I am afraid the flowers may get discoloured, just as the potato slices turned brown.