
朝散歩 Morning walk


Mushrooms popping up after the rain.  Since I have no knowledge of wild mushrooms, I never touch them.  I hear that there is an app in the smart phone that will tell you the name of the plant, just by holding up the camera against the plant.  I have not looked it up on my phone, since plants I see in the park and in people's gardens are very limited as I live in Tokyo.

Taiga patiently waiting for me while I investigated the mushrooms.

Thank you for waiting.

Close to the park, there is a construction site.  This used to be a vast bamboo forest, belonging to an old farm house.  The old couple passed away several years ago and now a block of flats is going up.

They spent 2 years in digging up the basement and building the base for the building, so I was expecting a huge structure.  However, according to this promotion material, it is only going to be a 4-storey building.  The basement, which spreads far more than the building, will probably house all the cars of the residents.

The old farm house was surrounded by a forest which was provided for use by the general public.  The entrance to the private section of the old house is still there.

Looking at the construction site from the back.

Looking at the huge crane, I was expecting a taller building.  Thank god, it isn't going to be one.

This used to be a part of the farm field belonging to the old couple.  It is now open to the public, and I use this place for Taiga's walks from time to time.

The vegetable plot, provided by the Nerima Ward Office.  They renew the membership every 2 years, but I hear there is always a long waiting list.  I have never applied since I am not sure that I would be as active as other users.


A papaya tree.  Planting trees in a vegetable plot is not allowed but the papaya is an exception, since it does not survive the winter in Japan.  So, this tree has only a few more months left.

Getting close to home.  The blue sky with summer clouds was so beautiful.

However, the thinly spread vale-like cloud suggests the arrival of autumn.  It is after all less than 10 days before the autumnal equinox.  


公園で At the park


We had a blue sky without a speck of cloud this morning, but the air was very heavy and humid.  They cut the long grass several days ago, leaving quite a lot of it on the ground, which made the air smelling like wet hay.

Taiga relieving herself like a male dog.

My favourite tree standing tall and strong.

We had a little rest in the shade nearby.  Taiga looking directly looking into the camera, which happens very rarely.

We went back to the original field, where Taiga started rolling on the grass under the persimmon tree.

This persimmon tree is very primitive, probably a seedling.  Nevertheless, it produces sweet fruits.

All the branches, including those hanging close to the ground, are laden with fruits.  So, I am looking forward to seeing the tree with orange fruits all over later in autumn, which would make a very pretty picture.  Taiga still enjoying herself but it was getting too hot and uncomfortable for me - time to go home.


ハンザなど Hansa etc


The rosa rugosa 'Hansa' which arrived a few months ago is flowering for the second time.  The plant is now easily twice the original height.

The shape of the flower may not be perfect, but it is summer blooming and cannot be helped.

This is another Hansa, planted at the edge of the garden.  The leaves are sunburnt due to the strong sun.

The European cornelian cherry 'Kazanlak' has grown well.  It exceeded my height at one point, at which time I cut it back to about 70cm.  The cornelian cherry is said to be a slow grower and I wanted to see how it would perform when planted in the ground, which was a mistake.  As the energy was spent in growing tall, I cannot find a single flower bud for next spring - the buds are all for leaves.

タイガが「ここ掘れ」をやってくれました。昨日の朝起きたとき、タイガが階段の踊り場でうずくまってジッと私の目を見つめていたので、イヤな予感はしましたが、キッチンへ入ってその原因が判明。冷蔵庫の真ん前に山盛りウンコ! 何でわざわざいつも冷蔵庫の前にするのか? もしかして、小の用をガマンしているのでは、と思い外に出しておいたら穴堀りされていました。10年間一緒に暮らしても未だに私は理解できていません。暑いし蚊がいるので、まだ穴埋めをしていません。
Taiga digging a hole, to hide what?  She had done her business (poop) right in front of my refrigerator during the night!  I let her out while I was cleaning up the mess just in case she was holding back her urine, and this was the result.  After living together for 10 years, I still do not understand her.

The culprit


パッションフルーツさらなる被害 More about Passion Fruits

 昨夜も寝室横のバルコニーでボトボト音がして目をさましました。今朝になって新たに3個の落果を発見(右の3個)。昨日 試食した1個と合わせて全部で9個の実を落とされました。ハクビシン!

3 more fruits were dropped during last night (on the right).  The sound was so loud that it woke me up, although this time I did not see the creature.

Recently, I bought some gravel for baking sweet potatoes.  These stones were mined from a mountain in Japan, processed at 800℃, and are said to have far-infrared radiation effect when used for baking potatoes.  I have been using them for creating steam when baking French bread.  So, today is the first time using them for the original purpose.


The result was not good at all.  Since I was uncertain about not using a drop of water, I added 100cc water before I turned the gas heat on.  The potatoes turned out to be wet, whereas I like dry potatoes.  Perhaps next time, I will be more bold.

タイガ All about Taiga (my self-indulgence)


Soon after the typhoon, the air was still relatively cool when we had an early morning walk in the park.  We sat in the shade for a while, enjoying the breeze.  

Taiga gave me a nice smile, so I created still photos out of a video that I took. 

パッションフルーツ被害 Passion Fruits

 昨夜(金曜夜)、台風の雨のなか、ドスンドスンと何かがバルコニーの床に落ちる音がしたので、そうっとガラス戸を開けてみたらハクビシンらしき動物がパッションフルーツの棚から降りて、バルコニーの手すりの上を急いで逃げて行きました。なっ、なっ! と思いましたが、さすがに雨のバルコニーへ出る気にもなれず布団へ戻りました。


We had typhoon #12 yesterday (Friday) which brought a heavy rain.  In spite of the weather, I kept hearing strange noises in the middle of the night, so I opened the door and saw a creature (Paguma larvata) scurrying away.  I could not believe my eyes but I was not ready to go into the rain to investigate, so I went back to bed.  In the morning, I found these 9 fruits on the balcony floor - still small and green.

I cut the greenest one to see if it was edible.  It was!  So, I may not have to throw them away.

The plant was created from a cutting during last summer.  It has grown well but not many fruits.  I am going to keep the plant by cutting back when it gets cold, so that it will be mature and ready to grow many fruits next summer.  At least, the plant has served me well by providing a deep shade on sunny days, while preventing the rain from coming into the bedroom (on the right) through the screen door on rainy days.

This is the ceiling.