The deciduous trees have mostly lost their leaves, which makes me feel that we really are at the end of the year.
As we were walking, Kiryu, a young male Shiba Inu, came towards us.
The deciduous trees have mostly lost their leaves, which makes me feel that we really are at the end of the year.
As we were walking, Kiryu, a young male Shiba Inu, came towards us.
When we went out after lunch for Taiga's 3rd walk of the day, a cat crossed the road ahead of Taiga. It went into a bicycle park of a condominium and started looking at Taiga from behind the wire fence.
The area I live in is very hilly. With the Shakujii River at the bottom, we have undulating terrain on both sides. We crossed the river this morning to walk an area little known to me. I recently met an old couple during our walk, who told me that they were thinking of selling their house and buying a unit in a condominium in this area. So, I was curious to actually seeing the site. I found it at the top of a steep hill and the area was very pleasant and quiet.昨夜の12時過ぎから降り出した雨は、今朝9時近くになってやっと止みました。ずっと小雨程度の降り方でしたが、こんなに長時間降ったのは久しぶりです。おかげで2,3日は庭の水やりをしなくて済みそうです。午後2時頃の散歩で城北中央公園へ行きました。
The rain that started just after midnight lasted until nearly 9 a.m. this morning. The rain was not heavy but we have not had rain with such a long duration for months. Thanks to that, I would not have to water my garden for the next few days. We headed for the Johoku Central Park at 2 p.m.